Thursday, August 26, 2010

Spaghetti Dinner!

Both of my grandmas are Italian, so you can imagine how wonderful Sunday Dinners are with my family. As a kid, I remember stuffing my face with endless amounts of spaghetti, meatballs, Italian sausage, braciole, various meets and cheeses... and more bread than you'd believe!
The dinner was more than just food though. It was a wonderful day of family, friends and fighting. (The fighting was not the best part, nevertheless, it was a major part of my childhood.)
As and adult, I love going home to visit my grams' and spend quality time with both of them in the kitchen. Over the years, I've slowly started to incorporate both of their techniques into my own unique hybrid of their delicious and savory recipes. (My food is never going to taste as brilliant as either of my grams' cooking, however, I'm not going to give up trying...)
Now, I look forward to having my own Sunday Dinners in Los Angeles. It doesn't happen as often as I'd like, but when all of my friends come together, our evening is a harmonious blend of laughter, food and yes even a little fighting!
Tonight, I'm hosting a spaghetti dinner. I've made over twenty meatballs, two pounds of Italian sausage, two pounds of stew meat, three pounds of spaghetti, all the appetizers you can dream of, and of course five bottles of wine!
The most important thing in my life is my family- and my friends are very much an extend part of my family.
I'm so grateful to both of my grandmas for sharing their love of food and family in perfect balance. It's the perfect Italian marriage!

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