Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Time To Kick It Into High Gear!

Today, I decided to take inventory of the progress I've made toward my 2010 goals and resolutions.
So far, it looks as though this has been an excellent year!
It seems that seeking the positive approach to every situation has proved to be the most effective way to achieve success.
I'm pleased and even a bit surprised to see just how victorious I've been in reaching the ambitious plans I set forth in January of this year.
Once again reminding me that positive action and faith will always triumph over fear and doubt.
Every time I've focused my energy and faith on a project or opportunity that I wanted to conquer- I soared!
Confirming that no matter what the task or goal at hand is, I can always approach it from a positive intention.
Regardless of whether the goal is met in the way I planned, I've opened myself up to a new opportunity to grow and create-
So, with four months left in the year, I've decided it's time to kick myself into high gear!
I plan on spectacular finish!
The foundation has been poured, the structure is sturdy and it's time to move in and take over the building.

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