The hardest part of judging talent competitions is sitting on your ass in a hard theatre seat all day...
The best part... All expense trips across the country!
I'm at the Disney resort in Orlando for a fun filled week of talent, fun and fireworks!
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Five Reasons I Love Coffee.
1. The smell alone brings a smile to my face.
2. It's amazing hot or cold!
3. It's a brilliant substitute for food.
4. I can't actually function before five am without it.
5. It reminds me of home.
2. It's amazing hot or cold!
3. It's a brilliant substitute for food.
4. I can't actually function before five am without it.
5. It reminds me of home.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Free at last!
The shackles of moving have been removed! We're in and very happy!
My favorite part- the view.
Los Angeles shines even brighter from above. It's crazy, from here I can actually see my dreams coming true!
My favorite part- the view.
Los Angeles shines even brighter from above. It's crazy, from here I can actually see my dreams coming true!
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Moving sucks! But I'm finely finished...
And of course I was so overwhelmed that I forgot to post!
I promise I'll be creative again soon!
And of course I was so overwhelmed that I forgot to post!
I promise I'll be creative again soon!
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Friday, June 25, 2010
RAGE IS NOW UPON US! I can't even form complete sentences!
I want this move to be over.
It was supposed to be one day!
I want this move to be over.
It was supposed to be one day!
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Moving Sucks Part 5
The rage continues to build inside of me...
Why don't people do what they say they're going to?
Why do contractors lie about time, and then lie about lying?
Why did I ever think it would be a good idea to move?
Why did my new downstairs neighbor (who is obviosly going to be an issue) decied it was okay to walk into our apartment without asking?
I HATE moving!
Why don't people do what they say they're going to?
Why do contractors lie about time, and then lie about lying?
Why did I ever think it would be a good idea to move?
Why did my new downstairs neighbor (who is obviosly going to be an issue) decied it was okay to walk into our apartment without asking?
I HATE moving!
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Moving Sucks Part 4
I have spray paint in my eye...
Moving sucks.
But staying sucks more...
So you've got to do!
Moving sucks.
But staying sucks more...
So you've got to do!
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Moving Sucks Part 3
Yesterday we helped an elderly couple move out of the place we're moving into;
Boxes of books.
Mounds of clothes.
Furniture covering every square inch.
We packed, carried and conquered!
I felt incredibly sad for the couple-
If it were my grandparents I pray someone would have done the same for them.
Now it's time for us to move our stuff-
It's going to be a long week!
Boxes of books.
Mounds of clothes.
Furniture covering every square inch.
We packed, carried and conquered!
I felt incredibly sad for the couple-
If it were my grandparents I pray someone would have done the same for them.
Now it's time for us to move our stuff-
It's going to be a long week!
Monday, June 21, 2010
Moving Sucks Part 2
I just spent three hours on the phone and internet trying to update my new address for the move-
I was reminded just how much I HATE automated phone prompts.
They never work.
Why does every little thing take hours to accomplish?
Why can't moving be easier?
I know I'll love the new place...
But right now all I can do is RAGE!!!
Moving Sucks!
I just spent three hours on the phone and internet trying to update my new address for the move-
I was reminded just how much I HATE automated phone prompts.
They never work.
Why does every little thing take hours to accomplish?
Why can't moving be easier?
I know I'll love the new place...
But right now all I can do is RAGE!!!
Moving Sucks!
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Getting Paid To Judge People...
I get paid to judge talent competitions from time to time, and I can't help but wonder-
Do the contestants I'm judging- judge me for making money off their talent or lack there of?
Do the contestants I'm judging- judge me for making money off their talent or lack there of?
Friday, June 18, 2010
Moving Sucks! Part 1
After five wonderful years in my beautiful Hollywood Hills bungalow... I'm moving!
To an even more breathtaking Hollywood Hills Penthouse! With a view that spans all of downtown Los Angeles all the way to Malibu! Plus a washer and dryer and NO MORE LOOKING FOR PARKING!!! I'll have my own underground parking spot!
But the most amazing part- I'll be paying less than I pay now!
Thank you poor economy! (Hey, it's the only plus in this economic climate!)
But enough of the bragging-
Because as thankful as I am to move... The actual process sucks!
Phase one began today, when my asshole of a landlord came by to "inspect" the place...
I just love when people expect you to return things in BETTER condition than when you first moved in! He has a poor memory of what the place looked like five years ago- But never fear! I have the pictures to remind him of all the amazing things I've done to make the place more livable...
In fact today I spent two hours patching holes and painting... How many tenants do that before they leave?
I assure you- not many in LA!
This move is going to wreck me... I'm kind of a freak about needing my home to be perfect ASAP, but because I'm traveling out of town so much, I have a feeling this is going to be a move in phases...
Uhg! I'm so not looking forward to the loading and unloading. I'm thankful the move is only one block away- and I've already got a jump on the packing. So I'm going to do my best to stay positive and stress free.
Ha! We'll see how long that last! Hopefully by July 4th I'll be ready to throw a big party...
To an even more breathtaking Hollywood Hills Penthouse! With a view that spans all of downtown Los Angeles all the way to Malibu! Plus a washer and dryer and NO MORE LOOKING FOR PARKING!!! I'll have my own underground parking spot!
But the most amazing part- I'll be paying less than I pay now!
Thank you poor economy! (Hey, it's the only plus in this economic climate!)
But enough of the bragging-
Because as thankful as I am to move... The actual process sucks!
Phase one began today, when my asshole of a landlord came by to "inspect" the place...
I just love when people expect you to return things in BETTER condition than when you first moved in! He has a poor memory of what the place looked like five years ago- But never fear! I have the pictures to remind him of all the amazing things I've done to make the place more livable...
In fact today I spent two hours patching holes and painting... How many tenants do that before they leave?
I assure you- not many in LA!
This move is going to wreck me... I'm kind of a freak about needing my home to be perfect ASAP, but because I'm traveling out of town so much, I have a feeling this is going to be a move in phases...
Uhg! I'm so not looking forward to the loading and unloading. I'm thankful the move is only one block away- and I've already got a jump on the packing. So I'm going to do my best to stay positive and stress free.
Ha! We'll see how long that last! Hopefully by July 4th I'll be ready to throw a big party...
Thursday, June 17, 2010
The Real Housewives of New York City Parody Part 2!
Because of the success of our first Real Housewives of New York City Parody... We decided to shoot another one right away! Watch below or to view in full frame on YouTube click the title link above! Hope you enjoy it as much as we did making it:
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
That's Show Business!
Well as they say; "That's show business!"
Our parody did not make Watch What Happens Live last night...
Of course I'm a little disappointed, nevertheless I'm still totally thrilled that we were contacted by the producers! Plus, the parody is still doing well on YouTube!
So, no time to sit and be upset-
It's on to the next creative adventure!
Because in this town, you're only as good as your next project!
Monday, June 14, 2010
Amazing News!
I just found out today that the Real Housewives of New York City Parody that I co-wrote / directed / acted in and produced is supposed to air on Bravo's Watch What Happens Live tonight after The Real Housewives Reunion Show Part 2!
I can't even begin to describe the rush of adrenaline I experienced when we received a call from one of the producers over at Bravo!
Hopefully this is just the beginning of the next journey in my life!
Either way, I'm so proud that something that I c0-created with the brilliant Jeff Payton is getting such a great response from viewers and positive attention from people in "big" places.
As I've mentioned time and again in my writing- this industry is full of ups and downs. One minute you think you're never going to work again, and the next day you book a project that takes you on a new journey...
I'm pleased that I'm finally at a point in my life and career, where I just appreciate the small successes as they come to me, and I trust that so long as I continue to create and grow as an artist- the journey will lead me to my ultimate dreams in life!
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Pride is in the air!
Everywhere I look-
Happy men, women and children at peace.
Families, friends and supporters;
Proud to be a part of that...
Everywhere I look-
Happy men, women and children at peace.
Families, friends and supporters;
Proud to be a part of that...
Saturday, June 12, 2010
...not that I'm not grateful for every day. However, today was a long, painful day-
Friday, June 11, 2010
Friday is here!
...can't say anything more-
But it could change everything for the better!
Truly haven't ever had a feeling like this!
I'm numb with happiness, so much so that I can't even type!
Life is beautiful!
Thursday, June 10, 2010
I Love the Icing!
Despite how crazy and wonderful the month of May was for me- it looks like June has decided to give my birthday month a run for it's money!
So I say, "Bring it on!"
I'm so beyond ready to advance to the next step on the board walk in the game of Life!
Of course, I really try to enjoy each day for what it brings. I believe that if you follow your dreams, set goals and work to accomplish them, great things can happen.
I'm just in shock that it actually happened!
It's such a validating feeling to create a piece of work or project that you are proud of, and then release it into the universe- But I have to be honest, it's even more rewarding when that project receives an overwhelming response!
I'm beside myself with gratitude and joy from all of the excellent reviews and words of encouragement we've received with our little parody!
Who knows? Maybe, just maybe, this might be the project that opens a few more doors!
The entertainment industry is unexplainable- to call it tough or bone crushing would be an understatement! In fact, I just don't think there are any words that can describe what EVERYONE who is in this business faces at least once in their career.
You never know if you're ever going to work again, so you are always trying to live in that moment, but secretly you pray that another gig will come.
Then, of course, there are the layers... i. e. I hope people like it. What will they think? How can I use this to help get me more work? Do I look okay? etc...
So- I've really spent a lot of time reminding myself that I'm in this industry because I love acting and creating... Then I surround myself with exceptional friends and family and focus on enjoying LIFE. Anything that comes as a result of my career is just the icing on the cake!
...and let me tell you: over the past four months the cake has been rich and the frosting is decadent!
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Busy. Busy. Busy...
No time to write, talk or eat.
I'm trying to make the dream happen here people!
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
A Phone Call From Jill Zarin...
How surreal! I just got off the phone with the REAL Jill Zarin!
Honestly, she is super cool and could not be more gracious about the fact that I impersonated her in The Real Housewives of New York City Parody.
In fact, she gave us a thumbs up and said that the parody is, "fantastic" and she "loves" the impersonation I did...
She even asked me to do my impersonation for her over the phone and laughed!
So cool!
I love that I wake up everyday and get to create fun projects. I'm even happier when people I don't know watch and enjoy them... But I am truly honored that someone from the actual television show- watched it, and liked it enough to reach out and share their reaction personally!
What a complement!
I believe it's true: "Imitation is the sincerest of flattery." -Charles Caleb Colton
and I'm flattered that Jill Zarin is "flattered" with my impersonation of her!
Monday, June 7, 2010
Up Too Early...
It's four in the morning.
I can't sleep.
I've got a lot on my mind, for no reason at all.
The past five months of 2010 have been magnificent!
I've somehow managed to keep all of my New Year's resolutions, in addition to enjoying the added surprises that come up along the way.
Of course it's in my nature to be upset or disappointed in something-
which explains why I'm up right now...
I guess my mind is trying to find something to be fixated on, and because things are (for the most part) right on course for me, my mind is unable to accept this as a good thing.
It's common for me to try and make something better. When in fact maybe I just need to relax and savor the moment. I have achieved a ton in the past five months. Most of all, I've experienced a level of faith and accomplishment in myself as an artist and person.
Nevertheless, the battle remains- to accept where I am today, and grow from here. I know that it's a never ending fight to appreciate each day for what it brings. Some (days) more than others... I'm okay with that. It's just a matter of checking in and reminding myself that good, bad or in between I can shine if I just stay focused on positive energy.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Hydration is key!
When lounging poolside, it's important to stay hydrated...
That's why my friends and I drink vodka infused Crystal Light with electrolytes-
I love weekends when I don't have to work!
I know that all I do is lay around eating too much and getting drunk...
But honestly, what else could I be doing? Writing? Working out? thanks! That's what Mondays and Tuesdays are for!
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Plenty of alcohol.
Outrageous appetizers.
Off the charts music.
Serious sun.
I love Summer.
Dripping wet.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Jazz in LA!
Summer is here...
...and with Summer in Los Angeles, comes one of my favorite FREE activities!
Tonight marks the first of the outdoor series of Jazz at LACMA!
Every Friday during the Summer months, LACMA hosts an amazing evening of Jazz in the outdoor North Plaza between the beautiful Broad Contemporary Art Museum building and the Ahmanson Building.
It's the closet feeling to New York City's Central Park vibe during the Summer. People from all over LA gather on picnic blankets (there are also chairs available on the pavilion) for those not as adventurous! It's one of the few times in Los Angeles, where you see a truly eclectic group of people drinking, eating and dancing in a harmonious blend! Plus, it's an excellent opportunity to take in some museum time too!
For anyone that has doubts about the culture in Los Angeles- this event should be toward the top of your list! Don't even get me started on the Summer Series at the Hollywood Bowl- that's coming up soon!
Anyway, I'm not only looking forward to a delicious picnic basket of fried chicken and potato salad, many bottles of wine, and amazing music... but tonight, we're also celebrating the birth of a close friend! So I'm positive the laughter and stories will continue well past the Jazz concert... which usually wraps up around 8 PM!
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Hamper stuffed and pilled high,
No clean polo shirts to wear;
Going commando for three days straight,
Searching for anything from this decade to grab;
Can't be caught in the same thing... again!
People think it's my uniform;
Yep- I have to do laundry...
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Addicted to Tattoos!
I'm not going to lie. I'm a huge fan of tattoos! I'm not even sure where the fascination with them came from, but I remember sometime around the age of thirteen- I knew that as soon as I turned eighteen I would get an entire sleeve of them!

When eighteen rolled around, I was living in Chicago and dancing in a professional dance company- I took my best friend at the time (Maria Tucker) with me to a small tattoo shop in Evanston, IL for my first tattoo! I knew I was in trouble from that point on! I was ADDICTED! I loved the rush of adrenaline, the sound of the buzzing needle and the spiritual high I got.
There's something about the permanency of a tattoo that makes me happy. I know many people see them as ugly and regrettable...
However, I find tattoos beautiful works of art and self-expression. Over the years I've continued to build on my body art- I'm up to six tattoos. All of which are extremely meaningful to me. Each represents a moment in my life, and add to the greater story of the journey I'm on.
Sure, there are those connotations connected with a permanent mark- the Holocaust and life as an inmate. But lets not forget that tattooing dates back to the Neolithic times, dating from the fourth to fifth millennium BC. Tattoos have long served as a spiritual practice- marking devotion, bravery, rank, and pledges of love!
Last night I was excited to share in my friend Amy's first tattoo experience! Amy had been contemplating the idea of a tattoo for well over a decade. She always knew what she wanted, however, she wasn't ready to take the next step. But like with most people, when it's time- you know it! (I know I sound crazy, but tattoos are something that really are more than just Pop culture or a Disney character you pick off a wall when you're drunk in the Bahamas!)
Anyway, Amy has a birthday coming up- and she was ready to mark this step of her journey-
I got to hold her hand last night as the needle sunk into her skin! She was nervous, but extremely brave! Amy- Welcome to the club!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010
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