Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Share The Love!

Today I received an amazing Facebook message from an old friend that I grew up with.
It's not the first time that someone has shared a nice compliment or words of encouragement on behalf of the work that I strive to create.
However, I think it was the most unexpected and gracious to date.
I spend the better part of my day working to find new ways to create, inspire and add a positive contribution to society. Usually the reward I get from that alone is enough to continue to wake up each day and focus on forward action.
Still, if feels wonderful to be validated, especially in the industry I'm a part of.
I maintain that while my dream and passion was sparked at a young age with the hopes of being a famous movie star, that idea is not what motivated me to stay in the game for the past fifteen years.
About three years into my professional career, I realized that this lifestyle is tough! One minute you're making a ton of money and feel like a superstar, and then next minute you're praying you qualify for unemployment. Once I understood the truth about this business, and accepted that it is a BUSINESS, I was able to set in action a new thought process.
I understood that if I was going to continue to fight to "make it" as a performer, I would have to do so with the purpose of growing as artist.
It has been my mission ever since to create work that makes people laugh, cry, react, get involved, grow as a person and think from a new perspective.
I'm thankful to hear from a friend who knew me when I was still a kid dreaming of being a famous movie star.
Obviously, that dream has not come true yet. But I am damn proud of the fact that I have continued to stay true to my purpose on this earth.
Moreover, I'm so humbled that I continue to inspire my original "fans" that I grew up with. If I can bring a smile to one person a day, I'm delighted with the job I'm doing.

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