Thursday, July 28, 2011

Life Is Short!

Life is short!
Tell someone you love how you feel!
To all of your haters, just don't engage.
Eventually they'll spread their hate elsewhere!

I strive everyday to remain a positive support to those I love.
Of course we all have setbacks in our growth and evolution as humans, but the people that are in your world should be there during the good times and the bad.

I never take losing a friend lightly.
My grandma always reminds me,
"Make new friends, but keep the old. New ones are silver, but old ones are gold."

Nevertheless, there are always those people who come into your life when you need them, and leave you when the work gets too tough. I have to make my peace with that.
Not everyone has the strength to communicate without attacking. Not everyone can articulate their feelings in a supportive manner-
I have to release those people, no matter how painful.
I don't have room for anyone in my life that is only around when they need to talk.
I'm looking for someone who is equally invested in listening.
Balance is the key to life, AND friendship.

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