Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Deep Breaths...

I was a very emotional child. When I was happy I was bouncing off the walls making everyone around me laugh. When I was sad, I was on the floor in tears, rolling around, throwing my head back and forth full of passion. Needless to say, my future as a performer was destine!
The emotion that I had the least control over was my RAGE. I can still hear my dad saying, "Deep breaths Matthewson..." Mocking the ever popular movie of the time, The Karate Kid. My dad thought he was being funny, but all it would do is send me into a deeper state of RRRRRAAAAAGGGGEEEE!
Nevertheless, his intentions were good. He wanted me to practice gaining control of my breath. Taking a minute to step away from the action causing the rage, and breathing in and releasing it! My dad was a Yogi twenty years before yoga was a way of life for mainstream America.
Now, as an adult, I'm happy to report that I have my emotions a bit more in check. I still experience the feelings that could send me in a downward spiral of mass destruction, however now- I practice the breath!
Today I woke up in a mediocre mood. I wanted to accomplish too much, too fast. And when it blew up in my face, all I could do is sit in anger.
Not wanting to waste a perfectly good day off, I decided to go to yoga. It was tough at first to release the nasty energy that was forcing itself into my heart, thankfully the yogi played some kick ass music, and once I focused on the breath, my fears and anger melted away.
Wanting to stay in this somewhat meditative state, even after my yoga practice ended and life's bitchy little digs were still waiting for me at the door, I decided to go right back into my breath.
Deep breath in. Deep breath out. Deep Breath in. Deep breath out.
When I opened my eyes, I was calm again. Too bad the costumers in the Trader Joe's produce aisle were all raging because I was blocking the fresh spinach.
Oh well, I guess some people just aren't in tune with their inner peace.

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