Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Wake Up!

It's hard to leave the comfort of my cozy bed- especially when I'm snuggled up with my puppies and morning cartoons are on!
Thankfully I have a project worth waking up for!
I love getting my day started early while I'm working on a new creative opportunity.
I'm a creature of habit-
I start the coffee,
take the puppies down,
feed the puppies,
pour my coffee,
feed myself,
check in on my emails, Facebook and Twitter,
Finally, I sit down at my desk and review the To-Do list that I made the night before...
It gives me the structure that my life as an artist needs.
I also enjoy writing this blog each day...
This gives me a jump start on forcing my mind to just write!
So thank you to everyone who wakes up with me in the morning and reads it!
You are a part of my morning (and sometimes evening) routine.
Have a beautiful day!

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