Monday, September 19, 2011

Delusional and Happy About It...

Often times I feel like I live in a forced delusional state of mind-
Then I remember that in order to make a dream come to life, I have to believe it will.
My delusion has worked so far in my life. Still, I never stop wondering if one day it's all just going to come crashing down around me?
I guess it really doesn't matter if it does. I mean the worst that can happen is that I have to pick up the pieces and start something new...
But it's not like I don't do that every time a project ends, a curtain falls or I don't get a part that I've auditioned for.
I think it's important that I check in on myself from time to time just to make sure I'm still happily doing what I love-
I'll admit, I wish I was making more money.
(At least enough that I wouldn't be so stressed at the end of every month...)
But at the end of the day I get to do what I love. I'm still madly passionate about performing and creating. I'm thrilled when something that I poured my heart and soul into is enjoyed by others.
Until that exhilaration ends... I'm forced to live a delusional life!

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