Thursday, November 4, 2010

Daily Reminders 101

No matter how many times I've been taught and then learned, that everything works out in the end... I continue to forget the formula and research in the middle of the test.
Today, I was reminded yet again, that as long as I stay positive and focused on creating work and opportunities- the end result will be a success.
I'll never truly understand why we torture ourselves into fear, doubt and negative thought...
If my faith, friends, family and career have taught me anything, it's that I have always received exactly what I need, precisely when I need it!
It's so easy to be on the top of the mountain looking back from where you came from and think, "That wasn't so bad, and just look at what I accomplished..."
One of my main goals for 2010 was to recognize that moment, in the midst of the climb.
Though I think I've done a better job this year, than in any other year of my life-
Today I realized that I'm still a Freshman in this school of life, and the course I have to pass once and for all is Daily Reminders 101: Release the fear and doubt and trust it will all work out!

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