Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Ever Notice...

The closer we get to a due date, the faster the time passes?
Like my US history term paper, senior year. I knew I had three months to complete it. I was excited when I began working on it. I spent hours at the library researching and writing outlines. Then, distractions entered the scene; parties, theatre rehearsals, homework from other classes and an after school job. Before I knew it, I had a week left to turn in the paper, and only half the work was completed.
It's hard to believe that tonight's post marks entry number three hundred and thirteen!
With just under two months left with my goal of writing a blog entry a day, I'm fascinated that in many respects, it feels like I started this adventure last week.
Then again, there are moments when I've gone back and reread some of the entries from the beginning of the year, and it seems like those experiences I write about happened a lifetime ago-
I suppose life is funny that way. We're meant to experience things as they happen.
"Live in the moment."
Often we succeed-
Sometimes we fail.
When we first set out to accomplish something, the energy and spirit motivate us to push through all of the road blocks, jump all the hurdles and climb steadily up the hill. Soon, fatigue sets in. We get discouraged. At times, we spend a little too much time looking back, and then we stumble and fall.
As painful as it can be to accept, there is no way to rewind time. Nor can we slow it down.
However, in keeping this blog, I've come to terms with appreciating where I am on my journey.
I've had good days, and bad days. There have been times when I've had nothing to say, and I forced myself to write anyway.
This blog idea started out as a way for me to stay proactive in my career. Focusing on positive energy and creativity.
Ultimately, I'm beyond proud of myself.
What I've gained from keeping this promise to myself, is the ability to take a moment every single day, and focus on being present. A task that is very tricky for me. I've spent too much of my life feeling sad about the past and worrying about the future.
I used to cry every year on New Year's Eve. I never understood why? I think from a very early age, I was aware of just how fast time escapes us. Despite the fact that I can already hear the people lining up in Times Square to ring in the New Year-
I'm confident that 2010 was the first year of my life up until this very moment, that I lived everyday to its potential.

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