Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Movie Madness!

My favorite part of Thanksgiving week, aside from:
Family, friends and food of course-
Is the holiday movies!!!
There are very few things in life that I luxuriate in as much as going to a movie...
I'm sure it has a lot to do with my childhood. Growing up, everyone in my family was always off in a different direction. Mom, dad, Shiree and me- never in the same place at the same time. That is to say, until Friday came along. Generally on Fridays, we would all come together for a "date night." Dinner and a movie!
So naturally, I became addicted to food and movies!
Anyway, I always enjoy this time of year, because this is generally when Hollywood pumps the theatres jam packed with big budget films they hope will gross millions and become OSCAR contenders.
Since I have the week off for Thanksgiving, I intend on watching as many of those block busters as I can!
So dim the lights, pump up the THX and bring on the popcorn!

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