Monday, November 22, 2010

So strange, the way life works.
One day you feel invincible, and the next,
you fear you're never going to accomplish another worthwhile thing in your life.

Release it;
Just let it go.
It's hard, I know-

Positive affirmations can feel cheesy or delusional.
Wondering, "What's the point?"
But inspiring how fast positive energy, creates positive action.

As much as I'd love to have a lifetime of constant happiness and success, I'm reminded:
"Happiness is a journey, not a destination."
It's frustrating that I can be so sure of myself and attain such wonderful things, and then buy into the disappointment while experiencing a "dry spell."

Nevertheless, we are programed to want more, do better, reach the top!
The question is, do you ever reach the top? And once you get there, then where do you go?
I think at some point you grasp that reaching one peak only means that you have a long trek back down the mountain, where a new challenge awaits: How to stay positive and focused as you begin the steep and rocky climb along whichever path you decided to explore next?

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