Sunday, June 24, 2012

Side Note: Grandma's Parkinson's

I call grandma several times a day to remind her to take her medication-
She has Parkinson's disease and the pill she takes five times a day helps her to function and talk with more ease and regularity.
The only problem is if someone doesn't reminder her, she may forget to take it.
That's where I come in...
Aside from the fact that I've been talking to my grandma almost everyday since I left home at eighteen to follow my dreams, calling her to take her pill is an opportunity to visit with her and make sure she's well.
Lately however, she's been forgetting her phone in various places; restaurants, friends' houses, the car...
(Most likely because of her illness or ironically enough a side effect of her medicine.)
Regardless, it is frightening for me!
My mind begins to wonder.
When I finally get ahold of her, she feels bad.
That, of course is not my goal.
So today when I called and finally reached her- she started laughing.
Without my prompt she said, "you're going to have to start reminding me to check for my phone so that you can call me to take my pill!"
We both laughed out loud at the hilarious thought.
That's what I love and admire most about my grandma- her spirit has never ceases to shine, no matter what life throws her. Her faith is strong.
I hope to be as wealthy as her one day!

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