Sunday, April 30, 2017

Life on Tour; Breakfast

The ultra sterile pure-white energy efficient LED lights in the hotel lobby accentuate the artificially-cartoon yellow eggs that sit like a spongy island in the “dinning room” tray;
If I forgot that I was living out of a suitcase, my faux-family––traveling from the most rural areas of the United States––remind me that I have made it!

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Life On Tour

The wine on last nights flight was fun then;
And KILLING me now.
I need coffee, food, and a stomach pump.
I’ll take it in that order;
To maintain my figure.

Friday, April 28, 2017

Live Your Truth

Perhaps it’s delusional to live without fear;
To remain present and positive regardless of the circumstance.
But honestly, what good comes from freaking out?
In my experience, positive energy produces twice as much opportunity than that of doubt;
So I say, live in the light and ignore anyone who questions your inner peace.

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Polluted Spring

The pollinated wind zips through the rustling trees into our home;
I sneeze.
My dogs are hiding in the closet;
Afraid of the whirling tornado of dust, dander, and debris.
My eyes are red and itchy;
I’m the real version of the actor portrayals on the RX commercials;
The ones that promise to cure your “dry, itchy eyes” but guarantee sever headaches, nausea, heart-related problems, suicidal thoughts, and potential death (in rare cases.)
This is the side of Spring that no one is talking about;
Still, I’ll suffer through the allergies whilst lounging at the pool––I’ve got to make hay(fever) while the sun shines!

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Work Through It...

Fighting off the demons in my mind with drowning love and acceptance;
Escaping the reflection in the mirror through breath and inner peace;
Batteling the temptation to give into darkness––I seek light in the present.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017


The city workers backed their trucks up at 7:59 a.m.;
I know because I heard the rumbling sound of heavy machinery and the annoying constant back-up warning beeps––alerting the neighborhood that it’s time to get up––if only to shut your windows to block out the smell of tar.
The streets of LA are long overdue for a makeover;
I just wish the cosmetic resurfacing waited until after I’ve had my coffee.
Similar to the condition of the roads, my face is a wreck from the lack of sleep.

Monday, April 24, 2017

Again, and again, and again...

I remember that I am where I need to be.

Accepting this moment;

Releasing the judgement from my past,

And trusting that my future will be as it's supposed to when it arrives.

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Sharing Is Caring

Bringing awareness to my morning;

Breathing in and appreciating my circumstances: I harness my passion and creativity and share my energy with likeminded people.

Saturday, April 22, 2017

You Are What You Eat

My stomach hates me;

Or rather, it is raging against the "food" I consumed last night.


Friday, April 21, 2017

TSA; The Struggle

One by one we move like cattle—if cows walked upright with Smart phones in their hooves—through a massive switchback of retractable nylon stanchions; until finally we make it to the front of a two man army in blue.

Ah, the glamorous life!

Thursday, April 20, 2017

The Present

As long as crave more,
I will continue to seek more;
When I appreciate what I have,
I will accept who I am;
When I trust in my Guide,
My path will be clear;
If I focus on, Now,
I am rewarded with the present.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

The Peace of Presence.

Silencing the annoying thoughts in my head is as easy (and close) as a deep breath;
Space from thinking tends to contribute to a more creative and productive day.
Letting go of lists;
The goals and necessary tasks are not servants to my unending need to cross something off or check a box, they are the activities and adventures that weave together to form my day.
Finding beautify, calm, peace, and joy in the daily routine––better still, breaking up the ridged plans––will produce an abundance of creativity.
Finding the present brings peace in whatever the outcome may be.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Remember: Anything Is Possible

In this moment anything is possible.
Let go of the past;
Release the mystery of the future:
Be present now––with careful attention to every step––one after the next, I will arrive where I’m supposed to be.

Monday, April 17, 2017

Present Is Perfect

I cannot be perfect,
But I trust that I can be the best version of myself––in any circumstance––if I remain present in every moment.

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Easter; the Light

As a child Easter was a representation of candy, colorful clothing, big hats and brunch––of course I was taught about Jesus and the Resurrection, but I understood the food and fashion.
Durning mass this morning, I was reminded that through darkness we find light;
Easter represents the rebirth, hope, and promise that with God anything is possible.
It was a reminder that I desperately needed (and heeded), before heading off to brunch with a box of chocolates, wearing colorful clothing. ...Some things never change.

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Sunny Saturday

A visit from my Australian friend, currently living in New York;
Breakfast, gossip, and laughter.
The golden rays are smiling down from the deep blue sky.
It’s the perfect people watching location;
And Los Angeles never disappoints in that department.
It’s a scene; and I love it.

Friday, April 14, 2017


Blue skies;
Bikini bodies;

Thursday, April 13, 2017

The Toddler Next Door

The adorable toddler next door is loud.
His chubby legs pound the floor causing a rumbling sound, and
our shared walls shake as if an earthquake just struck;
the epicenter is the condo next door.
I’m trying to remember how much I love children––and really it’s the parents fault, right?
I completely understand natural and sporadic occasions of screams, laughter, and excited jumping;
But when you’re two year old is warming up for a soccer match––which lasts for about thirty minutes a day––I think it’s time to take a trip to the park!

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

If Only...

I woke up in a positive mood;
After only 6 minutes on the phone with AT&T my entire demeanor changed.
If only I could lose weight as fast as the rage that ensues when dealing with random fees on a phone bill.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

The Joy Of Traveling; Living Out of a Suitcase

I can’t decipher which of my underwear has been worn;
I’m going to have to resort to the “smell test.”

Monday, April 10, 2017

Downward Dog in Denver; The Rocky Mountain High

I woke up early, despite having the opportunity to sleep in;

My body was eager to get out of the uncomfortable hotel bed.

Anxious to shed my melancholy mood, I searched for a yoga studio near the hotel.

To my good fortune there was a CorePower studio within walking distance!

I jumped into my workout clothes and headed to my mat.

Getting downward dog in Denver, Colorado—I embraced the Rocky Mountain high.

Sixty minutes later, I'm present and prepared to create.

Again, I'm reminded we always have the choice:

seek light and grow or remain in the dark.

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Life On The Road

I woke up in a pool of sweat;
The thermostat read 81 degrees in my hotel room––I’m positive that I had it set at 70.
Proof that hell is sleeping in a bed that is not yours.

Saturday, April 8, 2017

It Comes With The Job Title

The crust in my eyes reminds me of being a child;
So does the tantrum I’m throwing right now because I have to get up so early.

Friday, April 7, 2017

Wake Up

You spend your life traveling;

It's part of your job description;

Wake up, and accept the 4AM alarm, or switch careers!

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Deep Breath.

My daily aim is to be present and live fully in every moment, even the “bad” ones.
To stay focused on positive action and release negative energy.
Despite how much time I spend reading self-discovery books, journaling, meditating, praying, and getting down on my yoga mat––I haven't been able to escape the human condition––overthinking and worrying about things that are out of my control.
It is in those instances, that I’m trying to remember that the road back to inner peace is available anytime and only requires a deep breath.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Remember Why You Started.

All one word questions I try to avoid asking; in my mind and aloud.
The creative path stirs so many thoughts, fears, and insecurities;
One of the traps I try to avoid is validating my work by the sale.
“If someone buys my book; green lights my TV show, or purchases tickets to my play––then I am talented.”
“When I’m a NY Times Bestseller; I win an Emmy, or Tony––then I’m successful.”
“How––is this mindset ever going to help me continue to create?”
 I want to create and trust that my work is enough.
When I close my eyes and release my ego, I remember that my path is not about counting credits, adding up victories (lets be honest, for every win I’ve suffered 20 losses), or selling more...
I became an artist because of a burning desire to connect with people, share my stories, and inspire people to engage in thought and become in touch with their emotions.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Shaffer 2.0

The most challenging thing for me to do is surrender;
I’ve pushed for so long, and yes I’ve enjoyed the journey, but every path eventually leads to a dead end or a crossroad.
I’m ready for new adventures––I have no idea of what form they’ll take or where they will lead––but it’s time to open my mind (and heart) to new possibilities.
My quest for inner peace and presence continues to coax me toward releasing everything.
Only when I’ve let go of every idea, dream, plan, or goal can I truly accept what is waiting for me.
It’s time to make space for Shaffer 2.0

Monday, April 3, 2017


I’ve invested a massive amount of my life toward pursuing my passion;
No matter how many times I’ve done it, stepping out onto a ledge never feels easy.
Then again, the best adventures have happened when I was forced to jump.
Today I’m bullying myself again––like a father coaxing his son to ride the rollercoaster at an amusement park––I’m pushing myself to risk more;
Whether I free-fall toward the ground or catch a crosswind into a smooth landing, I am proud of myself for finding the faith to walk out onto that fragile plate, again.

Sunday, April 2, 2017


and an evening of Showtime.
Sometimes simple is better.

Saturday, April 1, 2017


Stretching the mind;
While expanding the body.
Inner peace on a mat;
I grow like a tree, deeply rooted in calm, strong, presence.