Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The Question of the Day Project

I'm not sure how long it's going to last, or if anyone will even find it interesting... However, for a while now I've been toying with the idea of posting a "Question of the Day" segment online somewhere.
The idea is that I will film myself asking a random question each day and then post it online. The questions may be anything from: "Do you like Mexican food and why?" "Does anyone really care what ads are played during the Super Bowl?" or "Should health care be controlled by government?"
In other words; the question might be serious one day and goofy the next. My goal is to get people talking and (hopefully) posting their own filmed answers or comments!
The only thing I was unsure about is where to post?! I knew I wanted to keep my Blog more a form for my writing and thoughts... with an occasional video post here and there.
I also knew I didn't want to post the "Question of the Day" to my YouTube page because I really like to keep that for my sketches and short film projects.
Finally, I decided that it might be fun to start another YouTube page dedicated to whatever crazy, fun projects that I want to experiment with... and that is exactly what I did.
The FunnyShaffer Show is my new YouTube channel. (I mean who doesn't want their own online talk show right?)
So, in addition to my daily blog entry, I'm also going to do my best to ask a question each day, and maybe even have some special guest questions too!

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