Wednesday, February 17, 2010

You Know You're Ghetto When...

You know you're ghetto when you have to use electrical tape, to seal the gapping hole around the window on your car's convertible top...
Let's be honest, if you've read any of the other blog entries about my little green machine, then you'll understand that, though I'm grateful my car gets me from point A to point B safely...
It's not the worlds best car...
But last night, the final layer of frosting was added! I was driving home from a long night of rehearsal deep in the heart of the valley. I'm in the fast lane on the 101 South, headed back to my side of the hill, when I feel a slight chill in the air. Which is strange, because it was very warm in LA yesterday, and I didn't have the air conditioning on...
I'm looking around my car to see where the cool sting of air might be coming from...
"Did I leave a window down?" ...and then I look up in my rearview mirror and notice it!
A huge hole where the fabric attaches to the back window on the bottom left side!
...Not wanting to throw ANYMORE money at this car... I decided to go down this morning a survey the damage.
The result: It's not good, but I don't think it's anything a little black electrical tape and a prayer can't handle...
Oh, how I long for the day when I can buy a brand spankin' new car!

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