Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Rise and Shine!

I'm trying out this new thing where I wake up at 7 a.m. everyday, even if I don't have to be anywhere until later in the day...
I'll be honest, I'm much more of an evening person, however, in the tradition of living a full life, I decided that waking up at 10 or 11 a.m. is probably not utilizing each day the best I could.
At first, waking up so early was NOT fun! In the past I would wake up at 5, 6 or 7 a.m. for two reasons: to go to work or take an early flight to save money! Never because I wanted to.
It's different now though. I actually enjoy the time I have in the morning. I feel like I have twice as much time each day to accomplish my goals, work out, spend time doing the things I love and still get some work done!
In fact, the only down side to waking up early in my opinion is that I have more time in the day to overeat!
I'm not sure who coined the phrase that I heard so much growing up: "Rise and Shine!" But, at least now I understand... When I rise early I definitely have more time to shine.

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