Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Dirty Laundry...

I used to love doing laundry!
It's easy when you live at home with mom and dad in your comfy home, with their nice laundry room that's loaded with detergents, fabric softeners, stain removers and a beautiful front load washer and dryer!
Then you move out into the real world... where you're lucky to live in an apartment complex that has one ghetto washer and dryer in the dirty, dark, wet and moldy basement- sharing with all of the nasty tenants that live in your building. (You don't think they look nasty when you say hello and goodnight to them in the elevator...)
But boy do they prove you wrong in the laundry room;
gross hair clogging the never cleaned lint trap, random unmatched dirty socks laying in a puddle of water in the center of the room, empty soap bottles thrown everywhere (except the trash can that is over stuffed with rancid fast food containers...) Revolting!

And of course, some buildings don't have a laundry room so you're forced to go to a laundromat!!! Which I don't even want to get into!

Uhhhhggggg! I dread walking to my hall closet to throw my dirty clothes into the bin... because I'm reminded that I'm one step closer to needing to do a load of laundry.
Alas, I can put it off no longer! I HAVE to do a load of laundry today, or I'm going to have to wear my swim suit and a blazer... because I have no underwear left and all my shirts have stains on them!

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