Monday, April 5, 2010

Read A Book!

I'm positive my love for books grew from my Gram Shaffer's passion for reading...
I must have been five or six years old the first time I can remember going to the library with my Gram.

I recall every moment:
Pulling up to the beautiful old municipal building, with the large cement stairway leading up to the main entrance, walking through the front door hand-in-hand with Gram... The smell of the sweet, slightly dusty books that hits you the minute you step through the threshold. The mountainous rows of books that towered over me from every angle. Cherry red industrial carpet lined the path around the maze of history, Fiction and periodicals. The very eccentric and boisterous librarian (who happened to be my Grams best friend) greeted me with a big kiss on the cheek and handed me a stack of books that she preselected special for me!
Each with the delicious aroma of a hardback book, covered with a clear plastic book cover and scotch tape.
I could hardly wait to open the front cover and remove the index card that awaited my name (in pencil) and a stamp of approval with a return date!
...just when I thought it couldn't get more exciting... I remember being lead down a long hall to the basement, where a group of kids were already gathered in a small circle for "The Kids Corner." An hour each week, where local authors would come in and read their favorite children's book!

I could go on for hours about my pure adoration for books, but instead, I think I'll leave you with a list of my favorite books (in random order) and hopefully it will re-inspire you to get swept away in the wonderful world of a brilliant story and your imagination!

My All Time Favorites:

East of Eden by John Steinbeck
I Know This Much Is True by Wally Lamb
To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee
The Perks of Being A Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky
The Corrections by Jonathan Franzen
The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand
ANYTHING that David Sedaris writes! Seriously, I love them all!

...and most recently I'm obsessed with Jonathan Ames (I'm on his third book) Some are essays some are Fiction... all are honest, hilarious and brilliant... Story telling at its finest!

In case you were wondering; The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein was and always will be, my favorite children's book.

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