Sunday, December 26, 2010

It's Official!

Today was the day that I officially became my gorgeous niece Kellyn's Godfather.
This little baby girls is a miracle. Beyond the fact that my sisters chances of conceiving were very low because of her radiation and chemotherapy treatments after discovering she had cancer, Kellyn was a perfect angel. Not even a peep from her during the entire eight minute baptism.
As I stood at the alter in the beautiful old church in Florence, Colorado with; my sister, Josh and Kellyn (in Josh's arms)- I couldn't help but burst into tears . Ironic that a ten day old baby with water being dumped on her head remained calm and happy. Meanwhile, a flood of emotions comes crashing out of my eyes and nose!
I've never been more proud of my sister. There I stood, gazing at this magnificent creation that she and Josh produced, and I was the man that they picked to insure that Kellyn would have a strong sense of faith and unconditional love and guidance for as long as I'm alive.
Strangely enough, I'd been struggling with my own faith over the past two weeks, and it wasn't until today when I stood before God and my family, that I was able to see the many blessings I have in life fight now.
But the highlight of today's baptism for me was not the homily or the cute outfit that Kellyn wore- today I held my right arm around my sisters shoulders and cried with joy. I'm beside myself with gratitude. My sister was born to be a mother, and today I saw and felt a shift in her armor. I'm most grateful for our new bond. I made a promise to my sister that I would always be there to love and supports her, Josh and their daughter Kellyn. All it took was that first look at my peanut Kellyn to know that I was wrapped for life!
I consider myself a lucky guy tonight! I become the Goddfather!

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