Friday, December 31, 2010

Mission Accomplished!

I'm sitting in front of a computer screen in a gorgeous home with a decedent view of a snow covered mountain in Beaver Creek, Colorado. I was invited to my friends father's house for the New Year, and I honestly cannot think of a more appropriate way to finish out 2010.
Ordinarily the end of a year is always a little tough for me. I'm sentimental by nature, and I get emotional with the end of almost anything-
This year is a completely different feeling for me. I think for the first time ever, I truly lived in the moment each and every day. I set out to conquer my goals and resolutions, and I spent the majority of my time focused on creating opportunities and enjoying the process along the way.
It was no small task to sit down and force myself to share my deepest thoughts, dreams, setbacks, disappointment, heartache and Private emotions. Nevertheless, I gained such joy from releasing these ideas into the universe without fear of judgement. Plus, the act of this daily routine really sparked my creative juices.
Make no mistake, I'm not delusional- I realize that more than half of my entries are just the silly ramblings of a crazy guy with big ambitions. Still, I'm impressed that I actually found the energy to focus (even if only for ten minutes a day) on writing out a thought, feeling or experience that might help me get a step closer to my ultimate goal.
I decided to blog for myself. There was no expectation of achieving a huge cult following or to be picked up for my phenomenal literary skills- My only hope was that blogging would encourage me to stay active in my journey as an artist.
I'm thrilled to report, it has. I've gained a level of self-achievement that is directly associated with the success of my personal growth as an actor, choreographer and person.
I learned a great deal about myself and my approach to life from these entries. Most of all, that if I deal with my feelings in the moment, and release them, I'm fully competent to continue on a positive path toward the direction of my ultimate dream. I guess it was a way for me to manifest the energy and passion inside and help me to guid it in the right direction.
I'm ready for 2010 to come to an end, because I maxed out the full potential in each day. I'm inspired and looking forward to the amazing adventures that are in store for 2011 and beyond.
So, this is it... My final daily blog entry for 2010! I'm grateful to those of you who may have stopped by to enjoy an entry in the past year, and to those who followed each day- I hope that my stories sparked at least one person to take a bold step in the direction of their dream, or at the very least brought a smile to someones face...
I will not be writing a daily entry in 2011, I've decided to use my creative juices to finish a book that I started over a year ago... I will however be back weekly to share my adventures in 2011. I'm not sure if I will stick to a specific day, but I promise I will check in once a week- after all, it would be impossible now to imagine my life without a blog!
Here's to another year full of love, passion, creativity and success-
Happy New Year!

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