Thursday, December 30, 2010

Random Thought

I often wonder where my creative desire, passion and determination came from.
Is it a product of my childhood?
Are we born with a predetermined path that we follow on instinct as we grow up?
I'm so intrigued with my ability to endure, despite every set back and obstacle. In fact, I often thrive when faced with negative reaction.
I believe there is enough room for each and every one of us to succeed at living up to our full potential-
Sadly, too many people worry about the unexpected challenges.
I say, bring on the challenges!
As I continue to grow, I realize that some of the best experiences I've encountered, blossomed from a failed attempt at something else.
As 2010 comes to a resolve, I look back at the extraordinary accomplishment I managed to achieve, and it comforts me.
I'm thankful that I spent 365 days working toward a dream that I've had since I was at least eight years old.
I was fortunate to have a strong fire for how I wanted to use my life-
And the best role models in my life to inspire my vision.

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