Thursday, December 2, 2010

What Ever Happened To...

Customer service?
Is it just me, or is anyone else tired of paying way too much money, for way too little service!?!
If I spend one more minute wasted, listening to a prerecorded apology from a robot with elevator music playing in the background- I might go insane!
It's odd that we as a society don't make more noise about what these large companies are getting away with...
Why do I have to call my cable company to report an outage, only to be yelled at by a robot?
Aren't I the guy spending over one hundred dollars a month for their service?
Why can't they call me?
Why can't they program their stupid little automated machine to call us when they're providing shitty service?
I am so OVER outsourcing!
I'm so OVER repeating myself to a robot operator...
Oh, how I long for the days when you used to be able to get a real human on the phone!

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