Thursday, December 9, 2010

"Crazy People" are Making Me Crazy!

Sure, I'm a self-confessed type "A" personality with a touch of self-diagnosed OCD; Add a half a dash of Italian blood- and you'll see that I am passionate, emotional and yes... from time to time a bit fiery! Albeit, I consider myself a fairly rational, fun-loving, idealistic yet grounded person...

Nevertheless, I have come to accept that there is something in me that attracts CRAZY like a rock star to a blond bombshell with big boobs! This magnetic force that pulls the crazy people toward me is something that I've learned to deal with and even somewhat accept. I used to believe that I sought it out as a challenge or a fun adventure. However, as I grow older I've discovered that even when I immediately recognize the crazy energy upon an introduction and distance myself, the "crazy" instantly attaches itself to me with a force stronger than the gravitational pull!
I don't enjoy the energy or emotions that I experience while dealing with and (attempting to) rationalize with these crazy people. I have spent the past fourteen years of my adult life working on my inner foundation: What triggers me. Why do I react a specific way? How do I maintain integrity without losing my temper or allowing emotion to dictate action.
I'm in an industry where emotion, passion and artistic personalities collide- It's to be expected that everyone who lives their life the way artist do has a dash of "crazy" in them... Why else would we continue to submit our self to constant rejection, judgment and uncertainty. Still, there is a fine line between what is "normal" and delusional!
So I'm stating to the world that I can no longer maintain friendships or connections with:
People who lie about lying.
People who scream in my face about someone else.
People who do whatever they need to get ahead.
People who blame others for their crazy outbursts.
People who flip on a dime; one minute they're singing your praise and the next they're bashing you.
People who think it's "okay" to say whatever they want and then walk away. Or worse, stay and scream without listening to whatever emotions the other party may be feeling.
People who have no accountability.
People who are unaware of their behavior and what others think of it.

So there you have it. I know that I've pretty much ruled out working again in this town... Nevertheless- I can no longer sacrifice my sanity for a friendship or a job- No matter how great they may be during the "good" moments.
In the end, it ALWAYS ends with a bang... (and not the good kind!)
I refuse to go "crazy" dealing with crazy people!

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