Tuesday, January 12, 2010

"To Do" List

I love that I make "To Do" lists for my lists of things "To Do"
i.e. I will come up with a list of all of the lists I need to make in order to feel like everything gets the attention it deserves... What's really funny? Is that I get so overwhelmed with the idea of all the different lists, that I don't even know where to begin.
I love being organized. I enjoy even more, crossing tasks that I've completed off of a list...
What I'm noticing though... Is that sometimes, less is more!

In 2010, I'm trying to stay every bit as organized and focused as in past years, however, I'm striving to find more balance too. I want to let the unexpected surprise me in great ways too!

The struggle I find with my lists is that I'm only happy when I get to cross it off! Otherwise I look down and think, "oh God, I still haven't done that?!"

So for an alternative to the endless lists I assign myself in life... I'm going to try to make one list of the 5 most important things I think I need to accomplish in my life from day to day... and I WILL NOT let myself start a new list until ALL 5 of those tasks are completed!
...it's going to be EXTREMELY difficult, but I will do my best to stick to it!

I'll let you know how it goes! (Unless I forget because it doesn't make the list!)

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