Monday, January 11, 2010

The View Was Clear Today...

After a wonderful hike to the top of Doheny Estates today, I sat at the top of the hill and gazed out at the sparkling view from Malibu to downtown Los Angeles. It was gorgeous!

...and then like a ton of bricks it hit me! The passion and fire to "make it" that motivated me throughout school and into my early 20's.

Every bit (if not more) than when I was a kid, because the stakes are higher now. I've been working non-stop for the past 13 years toward my goal.

What was also clear is how much I've sacrificed for my dreams... Not that I regret a single instance, only that in so many ways, I have made it! I've been making it everyday... and the fact that I didn't give up somewhere along the failed attempts to reach the next level and pack up and move back home is in almost a bigger accomplishment than my end goal!

The view reminded me of how eager I was in my 20's to achieve success regardless of the negative throws in my direction. Of course, as time passes and the journey continues, each "blow" begins to feel more and more personal, and almost a "sign" that maybe it isn't meant to be...

That's when I said to myself, "Who's to say that to me, except me?!" If I still love what I do and want to continue the fight to achieve it, then why shouldn't I.

I have to remember that feeling... as I'm sure the pressure to "throw in the towel" will come up from time to time as I continue climbing up my ladder in life...

What was so clear to me today (beside the glitter off the Pacific Ocean) is something I knew about myself a long time ago and forgot: I can accomplish anything I set out to do!
Looking back over the career and life I've had so far is a perfect record of that...
So as 2010 marks the start of a new year and a new decade, it also coincides with the start of my 30's...

I guess in a way, it was important for me to "lose" myself for a few years and forget the power, drive and talent I have inside... So that I can remind myself from here on out, that I have a purpose and I will not rest until I've climbed up to it!

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