Wednesday, January 27, 2010

You Try Driving in LA!

Okay, so I know I'm not supposed to rage... and I've really been doing a much better job at slowly releasing the toxic rage that is damned up inside of me...
Until I get behind the wheel!
I can't help it! People cannot drive in LA. It's that simple...
I don't understand how anyone can think it's okay to change lanes without a turn signal, pull out in front of you and then proceed to drive 10 miles below the speed limit or blatantly talk on their cell phone while cutting you off!
Who is giving these drivers their license? ...and why?
But my favorite is when a driver does all of the above listed annoyances... and then honks at you (while talking on their cell phone) like it was your fault!
I'm honestly trying to find ways to stay calm and not freak out on LA drivers- the classical music station I listen to is NOT working...
Any suggestions?

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