Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The Welcome Home Treatment...

I arrived back in LA today, after an excellent visit with my family, and was looking forward to today's blog post...
It's supposed to be a top ten list of: Why I Love Being Back in LA

Unfortunately I got back to an unexpected surprise! ..MY CAR WON"T START!!! So here I am sitting in my apartment waiting for roadside assistance to come and jump start my car (God I pray that's all that's wrong with it!) and I'm going to be late to the classes I teach...

Oh well, in the theme of keeping with my 2010 resolutions- I will not worry about this, because there really is nothing I can do about it! So, on with the top ten reasons:

Why I Love Being Back in LA

1. 75 degrees in January
2. Coffee shops on every corner (that stay open past 8 PM)
3. My friends
4. My house
5. My brand new HD Flat Screen
6. The Beach
7. Working on projects I love!
8. Writing on my balcony
9. Watching the sunset
10. Coffee shops on every corner (that stay open past 8 PM) ...trust me, it's worth mentioning at least 4 more times!

...So there you have it. Not a truly inspiring blog post, but I'm very proud of myself for not raging and freaking out and wanting to bust out every window in my car, and then throwing my piece of sh%t iPhone down and stomping on it (because AT&T sucks and the service never works) and then running into my house and eating while crying because life's not fair!
I don't do things like that anymore, because in 2010 things are going to be different!

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