Tuesday, January 26, 2010

If You're Too Busy To Laugh...

Many years ago, a good friend gave me a little blue book called: "8,789 Words of Wisdom" for my birthday. I may have mentioned it before, as it is one of my favorite little books! I keep it on my desk and whenever I'm feeling stuck, uninspired or just need a little pick me up... I fan through the bent pages to find whatever answer I might be looking for!
...There is always an answer!
So, today feeling a little less motivated, but still wanting to maintain the steam of my "new and improved" positive outlook, I decided to focus on this advice:
"If you're too busy to laugh, you're too busy!"
I actually laughed out loud when I read it! Because, in large part it's true. Only 26 days into the new year, and the comforts of my old outlook and patterns of life are sneaking their way back in.
Well, I'm just not going to let that happen. It's always easier to do what is easy; give in to the negative thoughts and or get lazy... But in order to make the most of this year, and the start of the next ten years, I'm making the choice to make room for the laughter in life. Because when this year started, I was laughing a lot... and a lot of great things we're happening!
Alright... pep talks over. Bring on today, and bring on the laughs!

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