Monday, January 4, 2010

...Love on a conveyor belt?

Wow. Tonight I just watched "The Conveyor Belt of Love" a new show on ABC...
It's hard to believe that a show like this made it on air... it's even harder to believe that I watched the whole thing, and shouted my thoughts at the television screen!

The premise of the show; five women enter the set on a conveyor belt as if coming out of a Barbie factory... during a brief on-camera confessional we learn how shallow or crazy these women are... and it's followed up by forty-five "Ken" wannabes, who come out one after another and these five women decided if they're "interested" or "not interested."

...I wish I could say I was not interested, however, I found it strangely fascinating. Not like watching a train wreck. More like walking past your kitchen window and catching a glimpse into your neighbors bed room while they're having sex and you can't stop watching...

What I found the most bizarre, is just how dumb guys can be while they're trying to pick up on women... and how desperate girls are to be entertained.

I'm not sure that I'll go out of my way to watch it again next week, but I can't wait for the spin-off:
"Assembly Line of Divorce!"

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