Thursday, January 14, 2010

The More Possessions, the More Worry

Growing up, I had this terrible fear of loss- of both people and possessions.
I was so afraid that a fire was going to burn down my house with all of my treasures or I was going to wake up one day and my grandma would be gone...

Of course as I got older I realized that eventually I will lose many loved ones before I'm ready, and my fear of losing sentimental objects grew even stronger.

I was nervous that a flood might destroy all of my family photos, or a thief would break in and steal all of my valuables. As time passed, I began to work out this fear, acknowledging that a deeper issue was at hand.

Now, I make it a point to release my fears, along with any objects that become more important than the memory said object is associated to. (Often times it's tough to give away something that was once so important...) Nevertheless, the action of letting go is so liberating. Moreover, it allows me to stay focused on the present and move forward in life.

Sadly one of my greatest fears has happened, not to me, but to an entire country: Haiti
Watching the impact of what a 7.o earthquake had on Haiti and the devastation it leaves behind, is both painful and heartbreaking. I cannot begin to imagine the despair, loss and fear the families that have been affected by this disaster are going through.

What I've learned over time is that there is no greater possession than that of a loved one. My love and prayers go out to every single person affected by this awful disaster. May all of your "possessions" find their way home either on earth or in heaven... and my deepest gratitude for everyone involved in the relief, recovery and healing process.

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