Sunday, January 3, 2010

Like Father... Like Son...

There's nothing like being home for the holidays to give you a good dose of your own medicine.
Today, I saw in my dad, what so many of my friends must see in me. Not that I haven't seen it before... but today, I saw it from a new perspective.
After a deliciously prepared lunch by yours truly... my dad and I got into a discussion over faith and the views of conflicting ideology. A conversation that we've disputed over time and again... often to the point of a yelling match!
Having been down this path before, and because I didn't wish to begin 2010 in a fight with my dad, I decided to take a different approach.
Without getting into the details of our rules of engagement, I will only offer that the very things that drive me mad when my dad and I disagree, are the very traits that I resort to while in conflict with close friends and loved ones.
Likewise, the very passion and emotion that motivates my dad in life is something I admire most about him.
So while I sat there today I tried something new... and the minor adjustment I made while we deliberated, changed the entire tone of the conversation in a positive way.
Leading me to the notion that it is completely possible to maintain passion, emotion and opinion, without attacking the other parties belief.
It was a magical moment today, and an excellent step in the right direction for 2010!
...let's just hope it lasts!

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