Wednesday, March 17, 2010


When I was growing up the color green was always my favorite color! Everything in my closet was green. Green sweaters, green corduroy pants, green Vans, green stripped polo shirts... You name it I owned it! In fact, it got so bad that when my mom and grandma took me shopping for school clothes they had to bribe me with toys and money, just so I wouldn't pick only green things.
As I got older, I started to diversify my wardrobe... if you look in my closet now, you will see every color in the rainbow (Except orange! Orange looks awful on me!)
Nonetheless, green still remains my favorite color to wear! Just look at almost any head shot or picture taken of me, you'll notice a common theme: Green.
Green is the color of money, nature, the environment, rebirth, love and lust! Green also happens to be my birthstone: the Emerald! (May 4, 19none of your business.) Please note: green is also the color of this link.
Sure, green is also associated with envy and evil in comic book hero's... But aren't we all a little bit evil?
My favorite reason I love green: My eyes are hazel green. So anytime I'm wearing even a hint of green my eyes become the exact same color as the color I'm wearing... How cool is that?
Plus, I just found out that green eyes are "the least common color!"
Happy St. Patrick's Day!

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