Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I Love Errands!

I love a good errand day!
When you wake up early, prepped and ready to get out there and tackle the mile long list of things that you've been longing to cross off- but weren't necessarily a first class priority...
You've got the major things like; taxes, car registration renewal, banking, grocery shopping, laundry, etc. etc. etc.... The chores that have to be taken care of on a daily basis.

Then come the things that you really want to do, but know you're going to have to put off until you have a day that doesn't demand immediate action... like today.

I woke up and finally got to run the errands that make me happy; gift buying, printing out photos, buying frames to frame for mentioned pictures, dropping off a book that you borrowed from a good friend two years earlier, a quick pop in to my agent to say hello and remind them that I'm free and ready for a big audition, a trip to Book Soup (my favorite independent book store in Los Angeles) to check out the new releases this month... Then make my way to Starbucks for an overpriced Caramel Macchiato and my final stop to the post office to send off some letters that I wanted to send to good friends just because no one does that anymore!

I know I'm such a geek, but I love to run errands! It makes me feel like I'm getting things done... even though tomorrow there will be another twenty things I need to take care of!

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