Thursday, March 25, 2010

I Hate Airports!

I remember when flying used to be so much fun! Growing up in my family meant fun vacations and trips to visit the grandparents! I loved the build up, the planning, the travel agent, the cool flight voucher with the red carbon print out, the pre-packing, the re-packing, the drive to the airport, the check-in process, the boarding, the in- flight breakfast and if you were really lucky... the little honorary flight pin!
I had so much fun pretending I was an important businessman on an urgent business trip... Or a movie star on my way to an exotic location!
Yes sir, I LOVED to fly! In fact, the only thing I didn't love about the airport was saying goodbye.

My passion for flying continued as I entered the wonderful world of adulthood...
My first professional job was as a concert dancer in a well known international dance company.
I spent the better part of three years on tour around the world! I lived for it... As much as I enjoyed performing on stage, the majority of my happiness came while flying between venues! was like a childhood fantasy coming true!

Flashforward twelve years and ask me if I still enjoy airports...
The answer, of course is NO! As grateful as I am to have a career that continues to grow, I no longer find the joy in being on the road. As an actor and performer I realize that travel is a major part of my job... Dare I say, airports and flying are what make my passion feel like a job!

Especially since the tragic day in September 2001, flying is no longer a romantic part of vacation, business or pleasure!
The expensive airfare, packing everything to fit in one carry on, the long lines at security, the nasty (under paid) airline workers, the grouchy travelers, the over-stuffed overhead bins, the crying children, the cramped leg room, the lack of a meal, the over sold or delayed flights, the list goes on and on!

I'm sad that even now, as I sit at a gate waiting to board my flight to work a quick gig and catch up with one of my best friends...
I'm over it! I just want to get to my destination so that I can put this full day of travel behind me!

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