Monday, August 15, 2011

Caffeinated and Creative... I'm Addicted To Starbucks!

My addiction to coffee came early on... My addiction to Starbucks came a little bit later in life. But when I discovered the intoxicating atmosphere with the creative energy, the strong aroma and the brilliant scene studies, I was hooked.
I was at the peak of my addiction while living in New York. I would spend up to five hours a day or more reading, writing, socializing and daydreaming... Not to mention, I spent about $350.00 a month on specialty coffee drinks!
After moving back to Los Angeles I decided to step away from the Starbucks dependency. It wasn't that hard to do, because unlike New York, in Los Angeles you actually enjoy spending time in your home.
But here's the catch:
In order for me to be creative, I have to leave my safe environment. It becomes much too easy to get distracted at home. Between my puppies, the television or the three hundred other projects I "NEED" to accomplish, I'm completely unable to focus.
So here I am, back at my cozy little "office" with a fantastic view...
The creativity comes almost instantly! ...Okay, well maybe not that fast. But as soon as I order my iced grande coffee in a venti cup with extra ice and I stalk the European couple getting ready to get up from my favorite table, I started to feel a ping of inspiration. By the time I take my first sip and get my Mac fired up I'm good to go!
In less than two hours I've cranked out a new outline for the pilot I'm producing. Finalized the release forms I need to send out. Responded to six emails. Re-posted some funny videos on Facebook. Tweeted twice and I wrote this blog entry!
Who says addictions are bad? Aside from my leg that won't stop moving up and down, my clothes that reek of burnt coffee and my bursting bladder... I think I'm doing great!

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