Monday, May 17, 2010

Chaos or Creation...

With chaos comes creation...
Or at least that's what I'm telling myself today!

It's funny, I'm the type of person who says "yes" to as many projects and activities as possible.
Because if I've learned one thing in this industry, it's the truth:
When it rains it pours! ...and when there's a drought- you can't get a job to save your life.

So I strive to live in a constant downpour- My thought, continue creating energy and the energy will continue to flow in your direction...

This week is no exception! I'm not going to lie, I'm excited and nervous all at the same time.
This is the week I make my re-entrance into the wonderful world of Stand Up comedy!
If the stress of being funny for seven minutes alone on a stage wasn't enough... I'm also co-producing a video parody of The Real Housewives of New York City, and I'm still directing the musical Mamma Mia!

I guess I've learned to really be great at juggling activities and I try to bring my "A" game with me to each of the arenas I'm tackling... There are times when I fall flat, or the project doesn't turn out the way I'd hoped. Nevertheless, more often than not, I'm proud of what I've accomplished and I've made another step in the right direction.

Let's just hope that when I arrive at my final destination, I'll be able to look back and have a reservoir of wild adventures, wonderful memories and creations that stand on their own!

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