Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Expert Shaver...

I never imagined just how much I'd hate having to shave...

I remember spending summers with my grandparents in Colorado-
I used to love waking up early with Gram and Gramps! They'd fix me a cup of "coffee" which had several heaping teaspoons of sugar, a ton of milk and a splash of Foglers coffee...
I'd sit at the table watching them read the morning news paper and laugh over the comic section, and then it would be time for them to get ready for the day.

I relished in the opportunity to watch them transform into Gram and Gramps! My grandma would sit in her dressing gown at the custom vanity she had built in the bathroom and begin to "put on her face" as she would tell me stories from when she was a kid. As she steadily worked from one side of the face to the other, applying just the right amount of blush that only years of experience can afford- my grandpa would stand at the sink next to her and shave...

(This was my favorite part!) I was fascinated with his expertise. In less than ten minutes he could wash his face, brush on a perfectly even coat of shaving cream and with a precise and swift flick of the blade, his beard would magically disappear! I was in awe...

When it became time for me to start shaving, I remember numerous attempts at copying my grandpas choreographed routine- always to no avail. I would end up looking like my face got into a fight with a box of razor blades... As time passed, I became more successful at removing the stubble with fewer amounts of blood. Still, I was no expert!

Now, I'm thirty-two years old, and I continue to question when I'm going to master the art of shaving like my grandpa did? Yes, I've been able to trim the time it takes to shave down to an impressive ten minutes- however, I still can't seem to achieve the results my grandpa was able to accomplish! I always end up with an ingrown hair, a nick or an entire patch of unshaven stubble on the underside of my chin...

I know I'll never achieve the level of wisdom that my Gramps possessed! He was my hero!
...I just hope that one day, when I'm shaving in front of my grandchildren, I will be able to impress them as he impressed me... Without the blood!

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