Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Life Flies On!

Yesterday while sitting at Starbucks working on my stand up material, and allowing myself to get all worked up about nothing...
I saw two baby birds on the ground behind a big flower pot planter. It was clear that their nest had been damaged, possibly from the unseasonable rain we had-
One of the baby birds was dead, its sibling was alive and frightened.
I felt so sad and helpless.
After a few minutes a larger bird flew in and I thought it was going to attack-
Instead, I realized it was the "momma" bird- and she was trying to feed her soul surviving off spring.
The "momma" bird flew away after a few minutes leaving the little bird to stand guard-
I continued to watch, wishing that there was something I could do.
After thirty or so minutes, the remaining baby bird stretched out its wings and attempted to fly up to the four foot planter that its mother stood watch on. Several failed flight endeavors finally lead to success!
Momma and surviving bird flew off leaving their fallen family member behind-
But life moves on-

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