Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Can it really be?
My birthday has come and gone-
In the blink of an eye I'm a year older!

I don't feel any different. Yet the calendar says I am...

It's just a number.
But why do the numbers change faster as we get older?

It's just like Grandpa said; "It goes by too fast Mattski. Enjoy every minute- because one day you'll wake up seventy and stare at an old man in the mirror!"

I missed him yesterday!
He was right. It seems impossible that I'm a thirty-two year old man!
I knew this day would come, and somehow I feel completely unprepared! basically I feel exactly like I did when I turned twenty-two!
I made it then, so I'm sure I'll make it now too!

Yesterday was a good day.
I'm alive and that's the beauty of celebrating a birthday-
The gift of life for another day on this planet!

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