For their love and support.
Real to the core.
In good times and bad,
Even when they're busy...
Never let me fall.
Doing whatever it takes to get me through-
So thankful for you all!
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Too Much Food!
There's nothing worse than feeling like a stuffed pig,
Sitting in the theatre with my gut hanging over,
Why do I continue eating when I'm full?
I'm judging dancers all day long,
But I'm afraid they might be judging me too...
Sitting in the theatre with my gut hanging over,
Why do I continue eating when I'm full?
I'm judging dancers all day long,
But I'm afraid they might be judging me too...
Friday, January 29, 2010
Friday. Fun. Friends. Food. Rock Band. Friends. Food. Bed...
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Grace Under Fire!
The funny thing I continue to relearn about life is that no matter how confident, happy and balanced you are... there are going to be times where you're kicked down, stomped on, given double black-eyes, internal bleeding, spit on, flipped over and violated and then asked to get up and shine!
It's no wonder as we age, we lose our passion, drive, idealism and self-assured confidence!
It's become my challenge, on a daily basis... to fight the tough fight!
One of my favorite quotes comes from a zen teaching:
Fall down seven times, get up eight.
But to fall down and get back up is only half the battle. Albeit, it's an important part of success-To have the energy and stamina to get up and fight. But you have to maintain the confidence in yourself for which you are fighting to achieve. That can be very tough, when you hear all of your faults from the people who are trying to hold you down, or even make you better for that matter...
What I'm slowly coming to understand is that no matter how positive, driven and focused we are; we will all fall.
The challenge then becomes how to fall with grace, maintain the blows, and then stand up taller than the time before, with even more grace, wisdom, and fuel to steam ahead.
To believe in yourself when everything is going the way you wish is easy to do, and a great feeling. To believe in yourself when very few others do, takes a great deal of faith and trust.
I'm not entirely sure where the confidence and security to "rise above" the barrage of fire aimed at you comes from... but I'm noticing, that it's a lot easier to move forward if you bandage the wounds with a big smile, and remember that those first to attack, are the ones who feel most threatened.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
You Try Driving in LA!
Okay, so I know I'm not supposed to rage... and I've really been doing a much better job at slowly releasing the toxic rage that is damned up inside of me...
Until I get behind the wheel!
I can't help it! People cannot drive in LA. It's that simple...
I don't understand how anyone can think it's okay to change lanes without a turn signal, pull out in front of you and then proceed to drive 10 miles below the speed limit or blatantly talk on their cell phone while cutting you off!
Who is giving these drivers their license? ...and why?
But my favorite is when a driver does all of the above listed annoyances... and then honks at you (while talking on their cell phone) like it was your fault!
I'm honestly trying to find ways to stay calm and not freak out on LA drivers- the classical music station I listen to is NOT working...
Any suggestions?
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
If You're Too Busy To Laugh...
Many years ago, a good friend gave me a little blue book called: "8,789 Words of Wisdom" for my birthday. I may have mentioned it before, as it is one of my favorite little books! I keep it on my desk and whenever I'm feeling stuck, uninspired or just need a little pick me up... I fan through the bent pages to find whatever answer I might be looking for!
...There is always an answer!
So, today feeling a little less motivated, but still wanting to maintain the steam of my "new and improved" positive outlook, I decided to focus on this advice:
"If you're too busy to laugh, you're too busy!"
I actually laughed out loud when I read it! Because, in large part it's true. Only 26 days into the new year, and the comforts of my old outlook and patterns of life are sneaking their way back in.
Well, I'm just not going to let that happen. It's always easier to do what is easy; give in to the negative thoughts and or get lazy... But in order to make the most of this year, and the start of the next ten years, I'm making the choice to make room for the laughter in life. Because when this year started, I was laughing a lot... and a lot of great things we're happening!
Alright... pep talks over. Bring on today, and bring on the laughs!
Monday, January 25, 2010
...slipping already?
...this is by far the latest entry to date. I'm really cutting it close to my dead line. Which begs the question; "Am I slipping already?"
I'd like to say: No. However, I think there may be some truth to that...
It's only January 25, 2010... and I'm already allowing my positive energy and outlook fade.
So, I have to change that pronto!
How do you solve a problem that you already know the answer to?
You dig deep, and remember that it only takes 30 seconds of a fake smile to trigger a real genuine laugh!
...and if you're laughing, then you're having fun. ...and I get a lot more creative when I'm having fun!
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Late To Bed... Early To Rise...
Late to bed... early to rise,
Makes me cranky, evil and unable to think of something cleaver that rhymes with rise!
...oh, wise!
I usually love to get up early in the morning, however, it's not as easy when you party like a rock star the night before...
P.S. I think I'm a little too old to be partying like a rock star! ...Especially because I'm not a rock star! ...and I have to go to work!
Saturday, January 23, 2010
I Love Video Games!!!
Tonight I felt like I was in 7th grade again!
After a long day of work on a Saturday... I decided to spend my evening playing Wii video games!
Okay, so admittedly I'm terrible at video games, and always have been...
But I love to play them! ...and I love it even more when I have a group of friends (that remind me of my friends from 7th grade) to play them with!
I love any excuse to feel 12 again!
Friday, January 22, 2010
Raise Your Hand if You're Over 30...
Flash back: ...about 6 years ago at Vintage Bar on 9th Avenue in New York City (When it was still okay to smoke inside.) Several of my friends and I were enjoying champagne cocktails on a Tuesday afternoon. It was normal for each of us to meet up around five or six o'clock and spend time drinking, gossiping about bullshit, and drinking more!
We were young, in a show (so we had money) and very ambitious. Like most twenty-somethings in New York, we thought we knew everything! More importantly, we loved making each other laugh... And nobody was off limits!
So, this particular afternoon the four of us were sitting at the bar drinking and laughing... and before we knew it, we'd each had about 4 glasses of champagne... One of my friends (who shall remain nameless...) gets off her bar stool without saying a word, walks to a woman at the other end of the bar (who was REALLY OVER US) picked up her cigarette lighter, took it, and brought it back to where we were sitting. My friend then proceeds to light her cigarette, walk back to the other end of the bar and dropped the lighter back down in front of the angry woman...
The three of us watched our friend do this in total silence! She never asked to borrow the lighter or thank the angry woman after she had...
Once our friend was comfortably seated at her bar stool with her lit cigarette, the four of us just burst out into full laughter...
The angry woman was not pleased and she shouted, "That was incredibly rude!"
At which point my friend (the lighter thief) said, "Raise your hand if you're over 30?"
Well, as you can imagine, we lost our shit! We laughed so hard and so long that they threatened to kick us out of the bar...
The angry woman threw her money on the bar, stood up and left!
Well... karma is a bitch!
Flash forward: Today I'm driving to an audition that I really didn't want to go to.... But, because I'm on this kick to stay focused and positive... I woke up, showered, printed out my resume and attached it to my picture, MapQuested the directions, drank a cup of coffee, drove 23 miles into the valley in the pouring rain, searched for 10 minutes to find parking, went through the security checkpoint to get on the sound stage, filled out my paper work, and then the woman collecting our information asked to see my ID...
Me: "My Id? Why do you need that?"
Woman: "Oh, because we're only seeing actors 18-30 for this job..."
Me: "Oh, well my agent didn't tell me that..."
Woman: "How old are you?"
Me: "....thir... thirt... thirty.. thirty-one...."
Woman: "Oh, I'm so sorry... You can't audition for this."
Me: "Okay."
...I got in my car and at first, I was pissed! But then I just started laughing out loud like I did the day my friends and I were sitting in Vintage!
The fact is, I am now the thirty-something year old joke! Ha! But, it will happen to everyone! After all- growing older is better than dying!
...and hey, at least I got a good laugh at 8 AM!
Thursday, January 21, 2010
...Another 2010 Goal I Get to Cross Off!
I know, I know... This need I have to cross things off lists is crazy (see To Do List post from January 12, 2010) however, I'm pleased to report that since my last entry I have not added to the list! Further more, I have been able to cross two things off! Among them is my new acting "sizzle reel" which is just very short clips of some of the things I've done mixed together! So, for today's entry.... Allow me to introduce my "Sizzle Reel!" ...I hope it leaves you sizzling or at least reeling for more!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Little Wet Convertible
Little green convertible, how I love thee so!
Driving to the beach or work we're always on the go,
You're small and ghetto, that's okay
cause when the sun's out we love to play!
Dents and dings, ripped upholstery, key marks on the hood,
You run like a champ through it all, so all I see is good!
But when it rains... and floods and pours,
The water rushes through the doors;
it soaks the seats and mats and floors,
It's like a lake and I need oars!
It drives me crazy to sit and stew,
In the nasty, watery pooh!
Oh, little wet convertible.... I really hate you!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Happiness Is A Form of Courage.
I woke up today and was a little upset that it's still raining in LA...
...Okay, I'll be honest, I was pissed! However, I'm really trying to stay focused on positive energy, because as hard to believe as it sounds... staying enthusiastic over the past 18 days in 2010 have already lead to excellent new opportunities!
So I decided to take a peek inside one of my favorite little books (that I keep on my desk and flip through from time to time) called 8,789 Words of Wisdom. I cannot say that all 8,789 words are that wise, but I will note that the phrases that jumped off the page this morning all had a common theme:
After reading several of the smart words on happiness, I began to smile...
I'm not sure if it was because I realized that I was talking myself into a good mood or if the shrewd little idioms were actually working... but a felt a confident shift in my attitude toward the day, rain be damned!
My favorite: "Happy people change what does not make them happy."
I understood that quote, because it was working right in front of me... and has been for the past 18 days!
I've known for sometime, that to be happy is a choice that takes effort. You cannot wake up happy everyday. But in less than 15 minutes, you can probably find the courage to search for the happiness that I'm sure is there lurking around. ...don't be afraid to dig deep!
Monday, January 18, 2010
I Hate The Rain!
The way I see it, if I loved the rain... I'd live in Seattle, WA!
Not sunny California!!!
I'm trying to find the positive side of wet jeans, soggy socks, and a
convertible that's soaked with water...
Not sunny California!!!
I'm trying to find the positive side of wet jeans, soggy socks, and a
convertible that's soaked with water...
Okay... Found it!
...Rain day! No work, heads down, thumbs up!
Sunday, January 17, 2010
A Golden Night...

T-minus 7 hours and 42 minutes until the 67th Annual Golden Globes ceremony!
I admit it, I'm a geek. I love awards shows and have since I was a kid... There's something magical that happens when you put a lot of big movie stars in a room.
...and I'm aware how many jokes can be made about that last statement.
But I think there's some truth to it...
For me, it's so inspiring to see someone receive an award (most of the time unexpectedly) for their work and be so moved. It reminds me that most people, famous or not, set goals, have big dreams and hope to aspire to be at the top of their craft.
Plus it's a perfect opportunity to throw a party with a group of your (still struggling) but very talented friends. Eat too much, drink too much, make fun of the bad fashion, and cry when someone delivers a heartfelt acceptance speech.
So, no more time to write... I've got a house to clean, food to prep and champagne to chill!
P. S. There's a new "Big Love" on tonight too, so it's a Golden night for sure!
Saturday, January 16, 2010
I Love Lazy Saturdays!

There is nothing better than waking up (a little later than normal) to the delicious aroma of coffee being brewed... I slowly make my way out of bed and into the living room to turn on Saturday morning cartoons (though I miss the Smurfs, Snorkels and Scooby Doo!)
I open up the french doors that lead out to my balcony and step outside for a moment to let the rays of sunlight beat down on my forehead and wake up the brain cells...
I pull out two or three magazines from the stack that goes unread throughout the week, and dive in to the glossy pages with the smell of advertisement cologne!
I make my way into the kitchen, pour a cup of coffee, grab a frying pan and make my favorite breakfast from when I was a kid (not cereal) Egg in a Basket! (See picture above) I love the smell of the butter and egg in the frying pan, mixed with the rich bold coffee that fills the air...
Maybe I'll take a shower, later, and take a drive along the coast... or stop by a garage sale or go to the park... Or maybe I'll just stay home and do nothing...
That's the wonderful thing about Saturdays, they have no rules whatsoever!
God, it's going to suck next Saturday when I have to work!
Friday, January 15, 2010
Martini Break!!!
Every now and then in my life, I have to take a moment... sit back... relax.... and drink a dirty martini extra dirty with three olives! is one of those days!
Here's to enjoying life, one day at a time!
Thursday, January 14, 2010
The More Possessions, the More Worry
Growing up, I had this terrible fear of loss- of both people and possessions.
I was so afraid that a fire was going to burn down my house with all of my treasures or I was going to wake up one day and my grandma would be gone...
Of course as I got older I realized that eventually I will lose many loved ones before I'm ready, and my fear of losing sentimental objects grew even stronger.
I was nervous that a flood might destroy all of my family photos, or a thief would break in and steal all of my valuables. As time passed, I began to work out this fear, acknowledging that a deeper issue was at hand.
Now, I make it a point to release my fears, along with any objects that become more important than the memory said object is associated to. (Often times it's tough to give away something that was once so important...) Nevertheless, the action of letting go is so liberating. Moreover, it allows me to stay focused on the present and move forward in life.
Sadly one of my greatest fears has happened, not to me, but to an entire country: Haiti
Watching the impact of what a 7.o earthquake had on Haiti and the devastation it leaves behind, is both painful and heartbreaking. I cannot begin to imagine the despair, loss and fear the families that have been affected by this disaster are going through.
What I've learned over time is that there is no greater possession than that of a loved one. My love and prayers go out to every single person affected by this awful disaster. May all of your "possessions" find their way home either on earth or in heaven... and my deepest gratitude for everyone involved in the relief, recovery and healing process.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
On Cloud 9!
Everyday is a good day when you wake up alive...
However, today was an excellent day! It looks like my positive resolutions and goals are already working in my favor... and if this keeps up, 2010 will be AWESOME!
I had a meeting with a new agency today, and it was like a dream.
It's always wonderful when a meeting is fun, productive and both parties feel like they're gaining something exceptional from the other... Today was just that!
After thirteen years of taking meetings and hearing all of the (sometime hideous) things people will say to your face in this business...
It is magnificent to knock it out of the park! ...and get a call from your manager confirming that the feelings are mutual!
I'm so happy tonight! I will try to keep this feeling for at least two more days (God knows how hard that can be in LA) and then I will continue to focus on the positive goals that I believe will ultimately lead me to the next adventure on my journey!
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
"To Do" List
I love that I make "To Do" lists for my lists of things "To Do"
i.e. I will come up with a list of all of the lists I need to make in order to feel like everything gets the attention it deserves... What's really funny? Is that I get so overwhelmed with the idea of all the different lists, that I don't even know where to begin.
I love being organized. I enjoy even more, crossing tasks that I've completed off of a list...
What I'm noticing though... Is that sometimes, less is more!
In 2010, I'm trying to stay every bit as organized and focused as in past years, however, I'm striving to find more balance too. I want to let the unexpected surprise me in great ways too!
The struggle I find with my lists is that I'm only happy when I get to cross it off! Otherwise I look down and think, "oh God, I still haven't done that?!"
So for an alternative to the endless lists I assign myself in life... I'm going to try to make one list of the 5 most important things I think I need to accomplish in my life from day to day... and I WILL NOT let myself start a new list until ALL 5 of those tasks are completed!'s going to be EXTREMELY difficult, but I will do my best to stick to it!
I'll let you know how it goes! (Unless I forget because it doesn't make the list!)
Monday, January 11, 2010
The View Was Clear Today...
After a wonderful hike to the top of Doheny Estates today, I sat at the top of the hill and gazed out at the sparkling view from Malibu to downtown Los Angeles. It was gorgeous!
...and then like a ton of bricks it hit me! The passion and fire to "make it" that motivated me throughout school and into my early 20's.
Every bit (if not more) than when I was a kid, because the stakes are higher now. I've been working non-stop for the past 13 years toward my goal.
What was also clear is how much I've sacrificed for my dreams... Not that I regret a single instance, only that in so many ways, I have made it! I've been making it everyday... and the fact that I didn't give up somewhere along the failed attempts to reach the next level and pack up and move back home is in almost a bigger accomplishment than my end goal!
The view reminded me of how eager I was in my 20's to achieve success regardless of the negative throws in my direction. Of course, as time passes and the journey continues, each "blow" begins to feel more and more personal, and almost a "sign" that maybe it isn't meant to be...
That's when I said to myself, "Who's to say that to me, except me?!" If I still love what I do and want to continue the fight to achieve it, then why shouldn't I.
I have to remember that feeling... as I'm sure the pressure to "throw in the towel" will come up from time to time as I continue climbing up my ladder in life...
What was so clear to me today (beside the glitter off the Pacific Ocean) is something I knew about myself a long time ago and forgot: I can accomplish anything I set out to do!
Looking back over the career and life I've had so far is a perfect record of that...
So as 2010 marks the start of a new year and a new decade, it also coincides with the start of my 30's...
I guess in a way, it was important for me to "lose" myself for a few years and forget the power, drive and talent I have inside... So that I can remind myself from here on out, that I have a purpose and I will not rest until I've climbed up to it!
Sunday, January 10, 2010
It's Back!
After several long months of waiting... the return of my favorite show on television came tonight at 9:00 PM on HBO... "Big Love" is back and better than ever!
Bill Paxton, Jeanne Tripplehorn, Ginnifer Goodwin and Chloe Sevigny are 4 huge reasons why the show that follows the trials and tribulations of a Mormon family practicing polygamy in Utah is so brilliant! Every single actor on the show, from the c0-stars to the Guest Stars are pitch perfect in their subtle, yet dead on emotion and mannerism of the characters they portray.
Coupled with the smart, engrossing and unbelievable (but never cheesy) writing that pushes the envelope and dares to explore controversial themes that mirror today's social, religious and political ideas.
The icing on the cake would have to be how the show is shot and directed... Every episode is like watching a mini movie that you don't want to end!
So load up the popcorn, turn on HBO and sit back and enjoy the new season of "Big Love!" ...if you aren't already a huge fan, check out HBO on demand and watch them back to back... I promise you'll fall in "Big Love!"
Saturday, January 9, 2010
...I took a day off... to go to the beach in January!
Friday, January 8, 2010
Isn't it funny...
...that no matter how little you have to accomplish in a day, it still feels like you run out of time?
Take this blog entry for example... I've known all day that I needed to write something, and still I sit scrambling at the last minute to think of a topic and write down my feelings.
The simplest tasks are always the worst too! Like when you just have to send that one email response before you go to dinner...
You sit down in front of the computer and you don't even know where to begin.
I can't believe that the ONLY thing I had on my list of things to do today was to write this blog entry, and I'm just now sitting down to do it at 11:23 PM!
Somehow, I found a way to fill my day with one useless activity after another (all of which seemed extremely important at the time) only to realize that all I did was eat too much and NOT go to the gym...
...I did finish my taxes though, so I guess I accomplished something... that and I did finish thi
Take this blog entry for example... I've known all day that I needed to write something, and still I sit scrambling at the last minute to think of a topic and write down my feelings.
The simplest tasks are always the worst too! Like when you just have to send that one email response before you go to dinner...
You sit down in front of the computer and you don't even know where to begin.
I can't believe that the ONLY thing I had on my list of things to do today was to write this blog entry, and I'm just now sitting down to do it at 11:23 PM!
Somehow, I found a way to fill my day with one useless activity after another (all of which seemed extremely important at the time) only to realize that all I did was eat too much and NOT go to the gym...
...I did finish my taxes though, so I guess I accomplished something... that and I did finish thi
Thursday, January 7, 2010
time of my life!
I had such an excellent time tonight! Thank you to Eric, Rob, Michael, James, Ilana, Amy, Patrick and Jason!
It was so awesome to be in the company of so many funny, talented, brilliant people!
It was so awesome to be in the company of so many funny, talented, brilliant people!
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Ode to Starbucks
Starbucks brings me so much joy it is my one life's pleasure,
Grande, Venti, iced and hot... I love to drink it's treasure,
And when I have no money, I can't go without it's taste-
I live for Starbucks coffee, mine at home's no measure!
Grande, Venti, iced and hot... I love to drink it's treasure,
And when I have no money, I can't go without it's taste-
I live for Starbucks coffee, mine at home's no measure!
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
The Welcome Home Treatment...
I arrived back in LA today, after an excellent visit with my family, and was looking forward to today's blog post...
It's supposed to be a top ten list of: Why I Love Being Back in LA
Unfortunately I got back to an unexpected surprise! ..MY CAR WON"T START!!! So here I am sitting in my apartment waiting for roadside assistance to come and jump start my car (God I pray that's all that's wrong with it!) and I'm going to be late to the classes I teach...
Oh well, in the theme of keeping with my 2010 resolutions- I will not worry about this, because there really is nothing I can do about it! So, on with the top ten reasons:
Why I Love Being Back in LA
1. 75 degrees in January
2. Coffee shops on every corner (that stay open past 8 PM)
3. My friends
4. My house
5. My brand new HD Flat Screen
6. The Beach
7. Working on projects I love!
8. Writing on my balcony
9. Watching the sunset
10. Coffee shops on every corner (that stay open past 8 PM) me, it's worth mentioning at least 4 more times!
...So there you have it. Not a truly inspiring blog post, but I'm very proud of myself for not raging and freaking out and wanting to bust out every window in my car, and then throwing my piece of sh%t iPhone down and stomping on it (because AT&T sucks and the service never works) and then running into my house and eating while crying because life's not fair!
I don't do things like that anymore, because in 2010 things are going to be different!
It's supposed to be a top ten list of: Why I Love Being Back in LA
Unfortunately I got back to an unexpected surprise! ..MY CAR WON"T START!!! So here I am sitting in my apartment waiting for roadside assistance to come and jump start my car (God I pray that's all that's wrong with it!) and I'm going to be late to the classes I teach...
Oh well, in the theme of keeping with my 2010 resolutions- I will not worry about this, because there really is nothing I can do about it! So, on with the top ten reasons:
Why I Love Being Back in LA
1. 75 degrees in January
2. Coffee shops on every corner (that stay open past 8 PM)
3. My friends
4. My house
5. My brand new HD Flat Screen
6. The Beach
7. Working on projects I love!
8. Writing on my balcony
9. Watching the sunset
10. Coffee shops on every corner (that stay open past 8 PM) me, it's worth mentioning at least 4 more times!
...So there you have it. Not a truly inspiring blog post, but I'm very proud of myself for not raging and freaking out and wanting to bust out every window in my car, and then throwing my piece of sh%t iPhone down and stomping on it (because AT&T sucks and the service never works) and then running into my house and eating while crying because life's not fair!
I don't do things like that anymore, because in 2010 things are going to be different!
Monday, January 4, 2010
...Love on a conveyor belt?
Wow. Tonight I just watched "The Conveyor Belt of Love" a new show on ABC...
It's hard to believe that a show like this made it on air... it's even harder to believe that I watched the whole thing, and shouted my thoughts at the television screen!
The premise of the show; five women enter the set on a conveyor belt as if coming out of a Barbie factory... during a brief on-camera confessional we learn how shallow or crazy these women are... and it's followed up by forty-five "Ken" wannabes, who come out one after another and these five women decided if they're "interested" or "not interested."
...I wish I could say I was not interested, however, I found it strangely fascinating. Not like watching a train wreck. More like walking past your kitchen window and catching a glimpse into your neighbors bed room while they're having sex and you can't stop watching...
What I found the most bizarre, is just how dumb guys can be while they're trying to pick up on women... and how desperate girls are to be entertained.
I'm not sure that I'll go out of my way to watch it again next week, but I can't wait for the spin-off:
"Assembly Line of Divorce!"
It's hard to believe that a show like this made it on air... it's even harder to believe that I watched the whole thing, and shouted my thoughts at the television screen!
The premise of the show; five women enter the set on a conveyor belt as if coming out of a Barbie factory... during a brief on-camera confessional we learn how shallow or crazy these women are... and it's followed up by forty-five "Ken" wannabes, who come out one after another and these five women decided if they're "interested" or "not interested."
...I wish I could say I was not interested, however, I found it strangely fascinating. Not like watching a train wreck. More like walking past your kitchen window and catching a glimpse into your neighbors bed room while they're having sex and you can't stop watching...
What I found the most bizarre, is just how dumb guys can be while they're trying to pick up on women... and how desperate girls are to be entertained.
I'm not sure that I'll go out of my way to watch it again next week, but I can't wait for the spin-off:
"Assembly Line of Divorce!"
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Like Father... Like Son...
There's nothing like being home for the holidays to give you a good dose of your own medicine.
Today, I saw in my dad, what so many of my friends must see in me. Not that I haven't seen it before... but today, I saw it from a new perspective.
After a deliciously prepared lunch by yours truly... my dad and I got into a discussion over faith and the views of conflicting ideology. A conversation that we've disputed over time and again... often to the point of a yelling match!
Having been down this path before, and because I didn't wish to begin 2010 in a fight with my dad, I decided to take a different approach.
Without getting into the details of our rules of engagement, I will only offer that the very things that drive me mad when my dad and I disagree, are the very traits that I resort to while in conflict with close friends and loved ones.
Likewise, the very passion and emotion that motivates my dad in life is something I admire most about him.
So while I sat there today I tried something new... and the minor adjustment I made while we deliberated, changed the entire tone of the conversation in a positive way.
Leading me to the notion that it is completely possible to maintain passion, emotion and opinion, without attacking the other parties belief.
It was a magical moment today, and an excellent step in the right direction for 2010!
...let's just hope it lasts!
Today, I saw in my dad, what so many of my friends must see in me. Not that I haven't seen it before... but today, I saw it from a new perspective.
After a deliciously prepared lunch by yours truly... my dad and I got into a discussion over faith and the views of conflicting ideology. A conversation that we've disputed over time and again... often to the point of a yelling match!
Having been down this path before, and because I didn't wish to begin 2010 in a fight with my dad, I decided to take a different approach.
Without getting into the details of our rules of engagement, I will only offer that the very things that drive me mad when my dad and I disagree, are the very traits that I resort to while in conflict with close friends and loved ones.
Likewise, the very passion and emotion that motivates my dad in life is something I admire most about him.
So while I sat there today I tried something new... and the minor adjustment I made while we deliberated, changed the entire tone of the conversation in a positive way.
Leading me to the notion that it is completely possible to maintain passion, emotion and opinion, without attacking the other parties belief.
It was a magical moment today, and an excellent step in the right direction for 2010!
...let's just hope it lasts!
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Gram learns to Blog...
Today's entry comes for one reason alone... To teach my gram what a blog is.
I'm still at home visiting family, and I shared with my gram some of my resolutions...
Among them was my goal to write daily on my blog.
Of course gram asked, "A what's a? What's a blog?"
So here I sit with my gram and dad typing today's thoughts.
First I'll ask gram to share her thoughts:
"...I ain't got any thoughts... I'm drawing a blank... I think 2010 is going to be better than 2009, I hope."
I think that sounds good. I agree with my gram that 2010 is going to be wonderful.
Now, I'll ask dad:
"I hope the rest of this year is better than the last two days... so far it's started out pretty crappy!"
I don't agree with my dad, my year has started off very well.
So there you have it. Gram now knows what a Blog is. I'm not sure she is too enthusiastic about it, however, I'm sure that in time she will see the positive effect it has on my creativity and further appreciate my blogging.
I can already tell that blogging every day is going to make me a genius! ...well maybe not, but it'll give me something to do!
I'm still at home visiting family, and I shared with my gram some of my resolutions...
Among them was my goal to write daily on my blog.
Of course gram asked, "A what's a? What's a blog?"
So here I sit with my gram and dad typing today's thoughts.
First I'll ask gram to share her thoughts:
"...I ain't got any thoughts... I'm drawing a blank... I think 2010 is going to be better than 2009, I hope."
I think that sounds good. I agree with my gram that 2010 is going to be wonderful.
Now, I'll ask dad:
"I hope the rest of this year is better than the last two days... so far it's started out pretty crappy!"
I don't agree with my dad, my year has started off very well.
So there you have it. Gram now knows what a Blog is. I'm not sure she is too enthusiastic about it, however, I'm sure that in time she will see the positive effect it has on my creativity and further appreciate my blogging.
I can already tell that blogging every day is going to make me a genius! ...well maybe not, but it'll give me something to do!
Friday, January 1, 2010
2010 is my year!
...and so it is, the first day of 2010 and the beginning of a new decade is here.
Strange, I usually get very sad and reflective on New Year's Eve, yet this year I was utterly happy and grateful. Which makes me proud and positive that I achieved the majority of my goals and resolutions in 2009. (One of which has been on my list for many years... and now I feel like I may be getting much more accomplished at: Living in the moment!)
Of course I'm not perfect, nor did I finish every single objective... I was 3 away from a perfect year!
All and all, I've stayed very true to a well balanced year. So, in continuing with the theme of last year, and expanding on it with growth and enlightenment, I don't wish to continue talking about 2009 anymore.
2010 is my year!
I am more confident about the coming 364 days then ever before! I'm not sure where the motivation came from, or why... However, I have no intention of questioning it! Only to use this steam as the driving force to make EVERY single goal and resolution in this year to advance me further into my passion for living a full life and creating projects that satisfy my desire as an artist.
I've spent the greater part of my life working night and day toward my dream and passion, and what I've only just recently realized is that I'm living my dream every day! ...and have been for the last decade.
My grandma reminded me of something I've heard a thousand times before, and for some reason I heard it in a new way this past week...
She said, "You've spent the last 12 years of your life, waking up doing what you love and dreamed about your whole life... and you've gotten by just fine!"
The last part in particular is what moved me. For so long the idea of "getting by" killed me! I wanted more than that! I've worked so hard and had dreamed as a kid that by this time in my life I'd not only be "getting by" but I would have "made it" by now.
I guess for the past five or six years, I've been consumed with all the things wrong with following my passion and working towards my career, that I've failed to see that I am "making it" every day! I'm creating my own projects and blazing my own path. I didn't give up. That is "making it!" Not just in LA as an entertainer, but in life.
EVERYONE is "getting by." We all aspire for more. We all dream of bigger things. What I completely understand now, is that I LOVE what I do. I'm blessed that I'm able to wake up every day and create... and the "bigger things" will come in time.
Living a balanced life involves realizing that some things are out of our control, and thus part of walking that tight rope is knowing the things we can change and accepting to find a way around the things we cannot.
I've decided that one of my goals for 2010 will be to post a blog a day! It is a huge undertaking, one that I'm not entirely sure I fully realize, nevertheless I'm going to do it!
I see it as an extension of the journal I already write in on a fairly daily basis...
It will be tough to balance in addition to the creative projects I want to accomplish, and the book I'm already half way through writing (and was supposed to be finished with by January 1st 2010) but I will grow from this exercises.
I'm on the fence about forcing myself to write if I'm not feeling creative at that moment in time, but I thought, "What the hell? Why not! The best way be creative, is to stay creative!" here goes! This is entry 1 of 365. If all goes well, this will be one of several big goals I have for the coming year that will launch me into the next chapter of my life... or as I like to call it: The Decade of my Thirties!
Strange, I usually get very sad and reflective on New Year's Eve, yet this year I was utterly happy and grateful. Which makes me proud and positive that I achieved the majority of my goals and resolutions in 2009. (One of which has been on my list for many years... and now I feel like I may be getting much more accomplished at: Living in the moment!)
Of course I'm not perfect, nor did I finish every single objective... I was 3 away from a perfect year!
All and all, I've stayed very true to a well balanced year. So, in continuing with the theme of last year, and expanding on it with growth and enlightenment, I don't wish to continue talking about 2009 anymore.
2010 is my year!
I am more confident about the coming 364 days then ever before! I'm not sure where the motivation came from, or why... However, I have no intention of questioning it! Only to use this steam as the driving force to make EVERY single goal and resolution in this year to advance me further into my passion for living a full life and creating projects that satisfy my desire as an artist.
I've spent the greater part of my life working night and day toward my dream and passion, and what I've only just recently realized is that I'm living my dream every day! ...and have been for the last decade.
My grandma reminded me of something I've heard a thousand times before, and for some reason I heard it in a new way this past week...
She said, "You've spent the last 12 years of your life, waking up doing what you love and dreamed about your whole life... and you've gotten by just fine!"
The last part in particular is what moved me. For so long the idea of "getting by" killed me! I wanted more than that! I've worked so hard and had dreamed as a kid that by this time in my life I'd not only be "getting by" but I would have "made it" by now.
I guess for the past five or six years, I've been consumed with all the things wrong with following my passion and working towards my career, that I've failed to see that I am "making it" every day! I'm creating my own projects and blazing my own path. I didn't give up. That is "making it!" Not just in LA as an entertainer, but in life.
EVERYONE is "getting by." We all aspire for more. We all dream of bigger things. What I completely understand now, is that I LOVE what I do. I'm blessed that I'm able to wake up every day and create... and the "bigger things" will come in time.
Living a balanced life involves realizing that some things are out of our control, and thus part of walking that tight rope is knowing the things we can change and accepting to find a way around the things we cannot.
I've decided that one of my goals for 2010 will be to post a blog a day! It is a huge undertaking, one that I'm not entirely sure I fully realize, nevertheless I'm going to do it!
I see it as an extension of the journal I already write in on a fairly daily basis...
It will be tough to balance in addition to the creative projects I want to accomplish, and the book I'm already half way through writing (and was supposed to be finished with by January 1st 2010) but I will grow from this exercises.
I'm on the fence about forcing myself to write if I'm not feeling creative at that moment in time, but I thought, "What the hell? Why not! The best way be creative, is to stay creative!" here goes! This is entry 1 of 365. If all goes well, this will be one of several big goals I have for the coming year that will launch me into the next chapter of my life... or as I like to call it: The Decade of my Thirties!
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