Releasing the stress of the day,
Sometimes things just don't go the way you want them to!
The harder you fight to make it work,
The more it blows up in your face!
Frustrated by uncontrollable circumstances that block the task-
The rage builds from the lack of control.
Then it occurs to me,
I have the power to just let go!
Tomorrow is a new day and a fresh start.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Random BBQ
Summer is coming to an end.
So is the propane in our tank...
We might be running low on heat, but thank God we've got a lot to drink!
There's nothing like a random Tuesday night BBQ with friends.
Life is good.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Over Budget...
It's a wonderful thing we had a great shoot...
Because we came in over budget.
Not by much, but enough to hurt where it counts.
I guess I'll be eating Ramen Noodles for the next month-
It's good to know that I'm still creating fun projects...
and eating like I did when I was eighteen because of it!
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Saturday, August 27, 2011
That's A Wrap!
That's a wrap on the first day of shooting!
It was a full day- Very successful... I had a lot of fun too!
Tomorrow is the long day!
Off to get my beauty sleep. I'm so blessed that I have the opportunity to follow my heart... I know this work is going to pay off.
It was a full day- Very successful... I had a lot of fun too!
Tomorrow is the long day!
Off to get my beauty sleep. I'm so blessed that I have the opportunity to follow my heart... I know this work is going to pay off.
Friday, August 26, 2011
Are Those Cher's Rhinstones?
The pre-production work continues on our delicious new television pilot...
Today we stopped by The Costume House to pick up the fabulous costumes for our opening credits!
It would be a gross understatement to say that I'm elated with the magnificent detailing on these costumes... Thanks to our a brilliant costume designer Will Brattin and our wonderful production designer George Skinner for the recommendation, our opening credits are going to hit the high note!
Oh, and if the delectable gold rhinestones on our bowler hats and bow ties look familiar, then you have a great eye... Will added a few of the very rhinestones once worn by Cher!
Honestly, what outrageously fabulous musical opening theme song would be complete without a touch of Cher?!?
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Production Continues...
We're nearing the end of our pre-production work on our new television pilot. In just a few short hours our cameras are going to roll on our outrageous new set...
Unfortunately we still have a ton of work left to do.
I'm convinced that no matter how much prep work I do or how early I begin the planning process, I'm always going to feel the panic when show time rolls around.
It doesn't help that I'm a control freak. It's painful for me to ask someone else for help...
It's nothing personal, I just know they won't complete the task the way I prefer it.
So that leaves me with twenty four hours in the day and forty hours worth of work!
Thankfully this project brings pure joy to my life.
I have faith that the signs will be picked up, the contracts will get signed, the costumes will be finalized and everything will fall into place!
If not, I guess the show will go on!
The show ALWAYS goes on! I'm pretty sure that's my number one reason to keep moving forward! That and I really want to see this show picked up on TV!
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Technologically F'd Up!
Nothing makes me rage more than when something doesn't work properly!
The more expensive the item, the more pissed I get...
Take my Mac laptop for example. Here is a two thousand dollar piece of machinery that I've taken excellent care of. I don't over use it. I only save essential items on the hard drive, everything else is stored on external hard drives. I don't accept cookies or go to questionable websites that may cause damage. I DON'T store internet porn on it...
...and still the damn thing just decides to shut off on me!
I can be in the middle of writing and email or even this blog, and the screen will go black for no reason. Of course when I take it to the Apple store, they can find nothing wrong.
But it doesn't stop there-
Today, I signed on to post this blog, and noticed that my layout is jacked up! Why? No reason.
Everything is set up correctly. The html code looks good and I've reset all of the sidebar activity, and still my blog layout is wrong!
Then there's Facebook- OH GOD! Don't even get me started... Every day there's a new issue with Facebook. Friends disappearing. Post not posting. Pictures that just tag themselves randomly...
It seems like the more time, energy and money you spend on technology, the less you get in return. Case in point:
My laptop has shut down three times during the composition of this blog entry! I'm in full rage mode! It's all I can do not to take this piece of shit computer and throw it from my fourth floor office window!
I can tell today is going to be a challenge! But I'm going to fight like hell not to let a stupid little machine get the best of me!
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Production Week Begins
The sets have been built and painted. The script has been finalized. The cast rehearsed. The contracts... well we're still waiting on a few of those to come back signed... But you know what the say... The show WILL go on!
Today we had our wardrobe fittings for the big musical theme song that will open every show! I still don't want to give too much away about the specific details of our outrageously fabulous new television show, but here's a sneak peak of our opening costumes!
...Okay, now back to work! We've still got a lot to do this week. Of course I will continue to share my adventures throughout the week.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Shameless Self-Promotion... (For My Production Company)
Occasionally in the entertainment industry it becomes necessary to do a little self promoting...
Okay, who am I kidding? We all know this industry is ALL about self worship! Why else would people subject themselves to the daily, hourly even minutely abuse that we encounter if it didn't result in seeing our face on a gigantic screen, billboard or poster somewhere...
I'm completely aware of how needy this plea sounds, however, I'm not above dropping to my hands and knees in the name of promoting something I believe in! So here goes...
If you've had a chance to see any of the parodies that I've created with my producing partner and our company A Group Production, then you know we love to have fun! We're currently working on a hilarious (if I do say so myself) new television pilot that is going to take our parodies to new heights.
We're so grateful for the fans that are already following us on Twitter and Facebook- but we're hoping that if you love our parodies and are excited for our new TV series, that you'll become a fan of our production company on Facebook!
It's simple and free to do!
Just click this link to our A Group Production Facebook page, and click the "Like" button! If you're really adventurous, you can follow us on Twitter too!
Every new fan we gain, is a step toward getting our show off the ground and onto a screen in your living room!
Thanks for the love!
Okay, who am I kidding? We all know this industry is ALL about self worship! Why else would people subject themselves to the daily, hourly even minutely abuse that we encounter if it didn't result in seeing our face on a gigantic screen, billboard or poster somewhere...
I'm completely aware of how needy this plea sounds, however, I'm not above dropping to my hands and knees in the name of promoting something I believe in! So here goes...
If you've had a chance to see any of the parodies that I've created with my producing partner and our company A Group Production, then you know we love to have fun! We're currently working on a hilarious (if I do say so myself) new television pilot that is going to take our parodies to new heights.
We're so grateful for the fans that are already following us on Twitter and Facebook- but we're hoping that if you love our parodies and are excited for our new TV series, that you'll become a fan of our production company on Facebook!
It's simple and free to do!
Just click this link to our A Group Production Facebook page, and click the "Like" button! If you're really adventurous, you can follow us on Twitter too!
Every new fan we gain, is a step toward getting our show off the ground and onto a screen in your living room!
Thanks for the love!
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Sunday Nights with HBO!
I love Sunday nights and HBO.
True Blood.
Curb Your Enthusiasm.
I'm turned on, grossed out and doubled over in pain from laugh so hard.
In that order!
True Blood.
Curb Your Enthusiasm.
I'm turned on, grossed out and doubled over in pain from laugh so hard.
In that order!
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Rocking On The Sunset Strip!
The Sunset Strip in Los Angeles IS rock music. Legends of the music industry have all paid their dues along the half mile strip of West Hollywood along Sunset Boulevard. Clubs like the Whiskey, The Viper Room and The Roxy are rock musics playground...
But today was third annual Sunset Strip Music Festival. I was lucky enough to land a job working in the production department, and even luckier to finish my job just in time to catch Bush, Matt and Kim, Public Enemy and Motely Crue!
Plus, I got to chill in the VIP lounge where I had the pleasure of running into Gene Simmons.
It was a long day of rock! I worked hard all morning into the afternoon, and played hard in the evening.
I'd love to write a detailed play by play of the cool events that happened today...
However, I think pictures speak louder than words... And I need to crash!
Friday, August 19, 2011
A Cool Night Out With Brookie!

I had the coolest adventure with my amazing friend Brookie last night...
Brooke is that friend that EVERYONE wants to know- She is a beautiful woman on the inside and out. Witty, intelligent and creative all wrapped up in a cool, chill, bohemian vibe. Her energy is magnetic. Her knowledge of music and art is eclectic and extensive. She can hang with an A-List celebrity or kick it with someone she's just met, and either person feels special.
I love having her in my life!
Last night Brooke invited me to join her at an art opening for an artist named Juan Carlos Munoz. He is known for his brass sculpture work, however I'm not sure if it was because I was with Brookie, or feeling the cool beach breeze in Venice, or just because it's been a while since I've been so inspired visually but I wanted to dive into this magnificent floor to ceiling painting that was a whirling sea of bright fiery colors.
(The untitled painting above is the one I reference by Juan Carlos Munoz.)
The night was perfect. Brooke has a brilliant eye for all things stunning. Which is why I'm pleased to share a link to a benefit that is very near to Brooke's heart-
She works year round to collect the best art from the most innovative artists for a silent auction and live performance benefiting LiveStrong.
Please check it out!
Let The Production Begin!
Production on our new pilot is gaining speed! We spent the day painting sets, hanging curtains and finalizing the graphic on our logos!
I'm so excited to shoot this project! I can't wait until it's wrapped and we begin the editing process.
It's been tough not sharing the exact details of what we're up to, but it's a necessary precaution...
Production week starts Monday with; costume fittings, voice over recordings, rehearsals for the opening theme, finalizing the signs for our set, lighting tests, green screen test... The list goes on and on!
But in just one short week- a years worth of writing sessions, rehearsals, meetings, preproduction and financial investments will culminate when we shoot our very own pilot, on our brand new, outrageously fabulous, custom set!
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Isn't it strange when you have a relationship with a person who is impossible to like?
It seems no matter how hard you try to connect with them or understand their point of view, you just feel like shaking them from side to side while screaming at the top of your lungs:
Until you realize that there are just some people who don't "get it" ...Life. What's worse is that they probably never will! No matter how hard you try to engage, disengage, react or not react, kill them with kindness or smother them with tough love, they remain utterly COMPLICATED.
There are very few people on this planet that I've interacted with that cause this reaction in me.
Obviously the easy choice is to break all ties- however it becomes harder to do so if you didn't realize the person was CRAZYNUTBALLSCUCKOO until you were already invested in the project or relationship...
I'm not a difficult person. I enjoy everyday of my life. I smile. I have a kick ass time. I work hard to make solid connections with people. I do my best to be a good person on a daily basis...
So it pisses me off when I'm forced to deal with someone who hasn't figured out their issues in life- and make their problems my problems!
I've decided that when dealing with these people from this point forward, whenever the conversation starts to go south (with the most serious face I can muster up) I'm going to start speaking to them in tongues!
Like my grandma always says, "The best way to communicate with people is in the language they understand."
I'm fighting crazy with crazy!
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Walk This Way...
Occasionally an opportunity comes along when I get to take a break from the hustle of developing and producing new projects with my company so that I can work on a cool project for someone else...
A few months back I was asked to choreograph a music video for the Cartoon Network. The video is a remake of the amazing Steven Tyler and Run DMC video "Walk This Way."
The new video features the break out star Lil P-Nut and an amazing group of 10 year old musicians Haunted by Hereos!
The video is now playing on the Cartoon Network, and I'm excited to share it here too!
Here is Walk This Way!
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Plugged In!
Wow. I give those high school cheerleaders a lot more credit...
Being popular and connected takes a lot of work!
I just spent the past week making sure that I was signed up, cross-linked and ready to go on every social media platform out there.
You want to tag me on Facebook? No problem!
Care to know the latest and greatest place's I'm eating... Yelp is going to tell you.
I just spent the past week making sure that I was signed up, cross-linked and ready to go on every social media platform out there.
You want to tag me on Facebook? No problem!
Care to know the latest and greatest place's I'm eating... Yelp is going to tell you.
Want to hear the most random funny thoughts- Twitter's where I'm at.
Interested in cool artistic photo's of my friends and pets doing hilarious things?
Interested in cool artistic photo's of my friends and pets doing hilarious things?
Instagram is the place.
Want to see more pictures? ...check out Flicker for my favorite moments past and present captured on film!
Need to contact me about your next great project and want to keep it professional?
Want to see more pictures? ...check out Flicker for my favorite moments past and present captured on film!
Need to contact me about your next great project and want to keep it professional?
Never fear! I'm Linkedin too!
You're in my neighborhood and want to join me for a drink- check out my Foursquare.
If you can't get enough of my daily rants, thoughts, essay's and writings here on Blogger, I've started sharing with the edgier crowed on Tumblr. too...
If all this is great but you're dying to see a parody of me in drag as a reality TV star... then YouTube is the place to be.
With all this connectivity I'm curious to see if I've gained any Klout?
I might not be as hot as Ashton Kutcher... But at least I can be as "plugged in" as him!
You're in my neighborhood and want to join me for a drink- check out my Foursquare.
If you can't get enough of my daily rants, thoughts, essay's and writings here on Blogger, I've started sharing with the edgier crowed on Tumblr. too...
If all this is great but you're dying to see a parody of me in drag as a reality TV star... then YouTube is the place to be.
With all this connectivity I'm curious to see if I've gained any Klout?
I might not be as hot as Ashton Kutcher... But at least I can be as "plugged in" as him!
Monday, August 15, 2011
Caffeinated and Creative... I'm Addicted To Starbucks!
My addiction to coffee came early on... My addiction to Starbucks came a little bit later in life. But when I discovered the intoxicating atmosphere with the creative energy, the strong aroma and the brilliant scene studies, I was hooked.
I was at the peak of my addiction while living in New York. I would spend up to five hours a day or more reading, writing, socializing and daydreaming... Not to mention, I spent about $350.00 a month on specialty coffee drinks!
After moving back to Los Angeles I decided to step away from the Starbucks dependency. It wasn't that hard to do, because unlike New York, in Los Angeles you actually enjoy spending time in your home.
But here's the catch:
In order for me to be creative, I have to leave my safe environment. It becomes much too easy to get distracted at home. Between my puppies, the television or the three hundred other projects I "NEED" to accomplish, I'm completely unable to focus.
So here I am, back at my cozy little "office" with a fantastic view...
The creativity comes almost instantly! ...Okay, well maybe not that fast. But as soon as I order my iced grande coffee in a venti cup with extra ice and I stalk the European couple getting ready to get up from my favorite table, I started to feel a ping of inspiration. By the time I take my first sip and get my Mac fired up I'm good to go!
In less than two hours I've cranked out a new outline for the pilot I'm producing. Finalized the release forms I need to send out. Responded to six emails. Re-posted some funny videos on Facebook. Tweeted twice and I wrote this blog entry!
Who says addictions are bad? Aside from my leg that won't stop moving up and down, my clothes that reek of burnt coffee and my bursting bladder... I think I'm doing great!
I was at the peak of my addiction while living in New York. I would spend up to five hours a day or more reading, writing, socializing and daydreaming... Not to mention, I spent about $350.00 a month on specialty coffee drinks!
After moving back to Los Angeles I decided to step away from the Starbucks dependency. It wasn't that hard to do, because unlike New York, in Los Angeles you actually enjoy spending time in your home.
But here's the catch:
In order for me to be creative, I have to leave my safe environment. It becomes much too easy to get distracted at home. Between my puppies, the television or the three hundred other projects I "NEED" to accomplish, I'm completely unable to focus.
So here I am, back at my cozy little "office" with a fantastic view...
The creativity comes almost instantly! ...Okay, well maybe not that fast. But as soon as I order my iced grande coffee in a venti cup with extra ice and I stalk the European couple getting ready to get up from my favorite table, I started to feel a ping of inspiration. By the time I take my first sip and get my Mac fired up I'm good to go!
In less than two hours I've cranked out a new outline for the pilot I'm producing. Finalized the release forms I need to send out. Responded to six emails. Re-posted some funny videos on Facebook. Tweeted twice and I wrote this blog entry!
Who says addictions are bad? Aside from my leg that won't stop moving up and down, my clothes that reek of burnt coffee and my bursting bladder... I think I'm doing great!
Sunday, August 14, 2011
I had the most amazing flashback to my childhood today...
Our production company is in pre-production for an exciting new project that we've been developing for the past year. It is by far our most ambitious project to date! In addition to having a spectacular group of writer / actors on board, we've enlisted an awesome designer to help oversee everything from set design to costumes!
Of course my "Type A" personality still needs to have a hand in every project, so today my producing partner and I started assembling the sets!
Although I don't want to give away too much about our pilot, I will say that it is going to be innovative, fresh and fabulous!
The fact that we have three separate sets is a cool perk.
Anyway, I found myself standing in the center of one of the sets under construction and I was flooded with ecstasy.
Almost instantly, I was back in my parents garage in the Torrance, CA.
It was like 1990 all over again-
Me, hanging all of my moms nicest sheets in the garage. Trying to makeshift that perfect set to shoot whatever goofy script my cousins and I wrote at the time. I "borrowed" my dads camcorder and found some crappy flood lights and we were ready for ACTION!
It's wild. Twenty years have passed and I'm still building sets, writing scripts and performing in front of a camera.
I was pleasantly reminded that the passion inside is exactly the same!
It felt like I was in heaven all those years ago in my garage "set" made of sheets, and today was just as magical as it was all those years ago.
I'm still living my childhood dream, and I feel so blessed that I'm just as happy now as I was then.
Our production company is in pre-production for an exciting new project that we've been developing for the past year. It is by far our most ambitious project to date! In addition to having a spectacular group of writer / actors on board, we've enlisted an awesome designer to help oversee everything from set design to costumes!
Of course my "Type A" personality still needs to have a hand in every project, so today my producing partner and I started assembling the sets!
Although I don't want to give away too much about our pilot, I will say that it is going to be innovative, fresh and fabulous!
The fact that we have three separate sets is a cool perk.
Anyway, I found myself standing in the center of one of the sets under construction and I was flooded with ecstasy.
Almost instantly, I was back in my parents garage in the Torrance, CA.
It was like 1990 all over again-
Me, hanging all of my moms nicest sheets in the garage. Trying to makeshift that perfect set to shoot whatever goofy script my cousins and I wrote at the time. I "borrowed" my dads camcorder and found some crappy flood lights and we were ready for ACTION!
It's wild. Twenty years have passed and I'm still building sets, writing scripts and performing in front of a camera.
I was pleasantly reminded that the passion inside is exactly the same!
It felt like I was in heaven all those years ago in my garage "set" made of sheets, and today was just as magical as it was all those years ago.
I'm still living my childhood dream, and I feel so blessed that I'm just as happy now as I was then.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Saturday Morning Hike
Roll out of bed.
Throw on workout clothes-
Force myself out the door;
It starts off slow.
Before I know it my thighs are burning,
Sweat rolling into my eyes,
Knees feel like I must be seventy years old;
It's been a while since my last hike!
Almost to the peak;
The view is beautiful!
Los Angeles-
I love this city!
Why don't I do this more often?
Throw on workout clothes-
Force myself out the door;
It starts off slow.
Before I know it my thighs are burning,
Sweat rolling into my eyes,
Knees feel like I must be seventy years old;
It's been a while since my last hike!
Almost to the peak;
The view is beautiful!
Los Angeles-
I love this city!
Why don't I do this more often?
Friday, August 12, 2011
Answer The Damn Call!
I admit it, I hate when people don't answer their phone! I guess I just don't get it...
I'm the type of guy that understands the importance of communication in the 21st Century. Gone are the days of the pager, pay phone and service line...
I also accept that not everyone has a "Type A" personality, so it's not like I'm completely unrealistic. I'm willing to wait a few days for someone to return a business call.
Hell, I'll even forgive my dad when it takes him a week to get back to me...
But where I lose my shit, is when I have arrangements with someone, and they decided not to respond to your calls, text's and emails as a way of bailing on you!
Really? That's your out? To blame 21st technology?
"Oh I didn't hear your call..." "Oh I didn't see your text until just now..." "Oh you sent it to the wrong email address..."
REALLY? I'm pretty sure I CC'd it to all five of your email addresses!
I mean, have you met me?
Honestly, I'm not crazy. If plans change, just pick up the phone and tell me. If you don't want to talk, shoot me a text. If you don't want a text war, send me an email...
But for God's sake, be a bigger person and respond! It's not like I'm the crazy stalker that wants to go out for another bad date with you. I'm the guy you made plans with to meet up and "text me when you're here..."
I'm here... and you're not responding to my text!
Oh shit, I have to go... my phone is ringing and I've been waiting 17 minutes for this call!
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Wacky Wednesday
Did your elementary school have those crazy themed days like mine did growing up?
Flip-flop Friday, where everyone wore flip-flops.
Tank top Tuesday, where everyone wore a tank top?
Well today, I've decided to give myself a theme: Wacky Wednesday!
Why Wacky Wednesday you ask?
I've been busy working all summer long. Sure, for the most part my work has been creative and inspired. Still, I feel like I haven't given myself an opportunity to be free!
So today I'm taking my production meetings, running my errands and staying on target... but I'm going to do so in a wacky, tacky costume! Just to remind myself that life is short, and though work is important- So is living.
I guess my definition of "living" is dressing like an asshole in public!
Thank you to Joseph Arnold Elementary school in Torrance, CA for inspiring me to act like a dork for the rest of my life.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Michelle Bachmann Is Smarterer Than She Looks...
I'll be the first to admit I know very little about potential Republican presidential candidate Michelle Bachmann.
From what I've seen of her, she looks dangerously similar to a fellow female conservative who ran for V.P. in the last election... It sounds like she's just as smart too!
Here's a few things that help her stand out in a crowd:
On The Granite State:
"What I love about New Hampshire and what we have in common is our extreme love of liberty...You're the state where the shot heard round the world in Lexington and Concord."
~ March 12, 2011 speech to the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire.Note: The 1776 Battles of Lexington and Concord took place in Massachusetts.
Source: RealClearPolitics
Source: The Minnesota Independent
"The big thing we are working on now is the global warming hoax. It's all voodoo, nonsense, hokum, a hoax.""There isn’t one such study because carbon dioxide is not a harmful gas, it is a harmless gas. Carbon dioxide is natural. It is not harmful. It is part of Earth’s life cycle...And yet we’re being told that we have to reduce this natural substance and reduce the American standard of living to create an arbitrary reduction in something that is naturally occurring in the earth."
On The First Black RNC Chairman:
"Michael Steele! You be da man! You be da man!"
~ 2009 Conservative Political Action Conference
On Climate Change:
~ March 15, 2008 speech at the Sherburne County Republican Nominating Convention.
Brookie, if you could please recap for us:
Monday, August 8, 2011
Home Sweet Home!
It's not that I don't enjoy traveling,
Clearly I've made a career of it!
I spent the better part of my summer in cities across the country,
Working, site-seeing and catching up with friends.
I just got back from a week in New York City-
Where I worked really hard,
And partied harder!
The past three months were jam-packed;
Too many wild adventures and sleepless nights.
Though I had an amazing time...
I've never been more grateful to be home with my family, in my own bed!
I slept better last night than I have in months!
Proving, it's awesome to retreat...
But it's heavenly to return!
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Culture Brunch and Conversation with Matthew and Mari Beth
I spent the better part of every Sunday in my twenties in New York City with my friends Matthew and Mari Beth.
Matthew and Mari Beth are those close friends you have the look after you and make sure you're enjoying the finer things in life.
Matthew and Mari Beth are those close friends you have the look after you and make sure you're enjoying the finer things in life.
They always had the scoop on the hottest new eatery, best new exhibit at a museum, coolest new boutique or most delicious cup of coffee!
I'm so grateful to have them in my life.
I'm so grateful to have them in my life.
More than ten years have passed, and they remain my go to source for inspiration, art and support.
Our lives and careers have blossomed, but our brunch conversation has stayed the same-
We cover everything from love, gossip, politics, art and Tom Cruise's (homo)sexuality...
I'm so happy that no matter what magnificent events have transpired, my friends remain true!
...and they're still taking me to the most lavish restaurants in New York City!
Our lives and careers have blossomed, but our brunch conversation has stayed the same-
We cover everything from love, gossip, politics, art and Tom Cruise's (homo)sexuality...
I'm so happy that no matter what magnificent events have transpired, my friends remain true!
...and they're still taking me to the most lavish restaurants in New York City!
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Weekends In NYC
I love weekends in New York City.
Coffee first thing in the morning.
A walk around the Upper West Side-
Lunch with friends.
Window shopping on 5th Avenue.
Second coffee of the day, most likely at a trendy new spot in SoHo.
Back to the apartment to freshen up...
Third coffee of the day before grabbing a cab to head to mid-town for an early dinner.
Arrive at the theatre to catch a show.
Night cap and warm cookies and vanilla ice cream at Joe Allen's.
Stumble to the subway and wait too long for a train.
Back to the apartment to crash...
Wake up and do the whole thing again tomorrow!
Weekends- definitely the best part of NYC!
Coffee first thing in the morning.
A walk around the Upper West Side-
Lunch with friends.
Window shopping on 5th Avenue.
Second coffee of the day, most likely at a trendy new spot in SoHo.
Back to the apartment to freshen up...
Third coffee of the day before grabbing a cab to head to mid-town for an early dinner.
Arrive at the theatre to catch a show.
Night cap and warm cookies and vanilla ice cream at Joe Allen's.
Stumble to the subway and wait too long for a train.
Back to the apartment to crash...
Wake up and do the whole thing again tomorrow!
Weekends- definitely the best part of NYC!
Friday, August 5, 2011
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Dance Life.
I grew up in a dance studio.
I spent five hours a day in a mirror working towards perfection.
When the time came, I left home and followed my passion.
I danced from stage to stage around the world.
Eventually I leaped to New York City.
I discovered a new studio to call home.
A new stage where I could soar.
When I left the city, I left a piece of my heart behind.
I never looked back.
Now, ten years later and back in New York the familiarity is instantaneous.
The smell of sweat and soul.
The rhythm of the music reminding me how to breath,
The pulse in my entire body reminding me I'm alive!
Surrounded by a new generation of dreamers.
The dancer in us will never die.
I spent five hours a day in a mirror working towards perfection.
When the time came, I left home and followed my passion.
I danced from stage to stage around the world.
Eventually I leaped to New York City.
I discovered a new studio to call home.
A new stage where I could soar.
When I left the city, I left a piece of my heart behind.
I never looked back.
Now, ten years later and back in New York the familiarity is instantaneous.
The smell of sweat and soul.
The rhythm of the music reminding me how to breath,
The pulse in my entire body reminding me I'm alive!
Surrounded by a new generation of dreamers.
The dancer in us will never die.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Start Spreading The News...
I landed in New York today!
It's as if no time has passed since I lived here.
It's strange how some things never change.
The energy is exactly how I remember it-
Alive. Anxious. Fast paced. Stress-filled.
The smell in August is the same too!
Ripe. Hot. Obnoxious, but distinctively New York trash.
It's always exciting to be back as a visitor. There's something magical about visiting a place you used to live. The familiarity is comforting. The beauty of experience all of your favorite memories, and the luxury of knowing that you get to leave before the reality comes crashing down...
New York is most definitely the place to be while you are fearless and ready to conquer the world.
I'm just happy to reconnect with old friends. Eat at my favorite restaurants. Chill at my favorite Starbucks. Drink margaritas with my best friend. Work with creative artists. And sit for hours at my secret hiding spot in Central Park. While I lived here, it was the one place I could go to clear my head, write in my journal and release the stress that living in the city can wage on you.
But today, there's no stress! I'm here for five days of creativity, madness and mayhem!
First stop Arriba Arriba for MANY margaritas!
It's as if no time has passed since I lived here.
It's strange how some things never change.
The energy is exactly how I remember it-
Alive. Anxious. Fast paced. Stress-filled.
The smell in August is the same too!
Ripe. Hot. Obnoxious, but distinctively New York trash.
It's always exciting to be back as a visitor. There's something magical about visiting a place you used to live. The familiarity is comforting. The beauty of experience all of your favorite memories, and the luxury of knowing that you get to leave before the reality comes crashing down...
New York is most definitely the place to be while you are fearless and ready to conquer the world.
I'm just happy to reconnect with old friends. Eat at my favorite restaurants. Chill at my favorite Starbucks. Drink margaritas with my best friend. Work with creative artists. And sit for hours at my secret hiding spot in Central Park. While I lived here, it was the one place I could go to clear my head, write in my journal and release the stress that living in the city can wage on you.
But today, there's no stress! I'm here for five days of creativity, madness and mayhem!
First stop Arriba Arriba for MANY margaritas!
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Travel Days Suck!
No matter how you pack and stow it, travel days suck!
Waking up three hours early to catch a shuttle.
When travel as much as I do, you can't expect your friends or loved ones to take you back and forth on airport runs and with gas prices at an all time high a car service cost more than most airline tickets!
The shuttle arrives earlier than necessary and packed with sweaty tourists that shower every four weeks...
You finally get to the airport and all of the self-check kiosks are "out of order" so you get to wait in a line a mile long.
Once you get your boarding pass you're off to wait in the massive security line-
Just in time for a code Bravo. Which is such a joke. I mean really? Leave Bravo for "The Housewives!"
Just out of security in time to get to your gate (forget about the Starbucks you were hoping to enjoy!)
Then they change your gate!
You reach the new gate to find out your flight is delayed!!!
Which means your already long travel day, just turned into day(s).
It's inevitable that you're going to miss your connecting flight.
Then of course you get to your assigned seat, only to find that the person you're sitting next to is begging youth trade seats so they can sit with their girlfriend.
Sorry, I can't sit in a middle seat for 5 hours!
Now I'm the asshole?
Uhg! I hate travel days.
But I sure love visiting New York!
Waking up three hours early to catch a shuttle.
When travel as much as I do, you can't expect your friends or loved ones to take you back and forth on airport runs and with gas prices at an all time high a car service cost more than most airline tickets!
The shuttle arrives earlier than necessary and packed with sweaty tourists that shower every four weeks...
You finally get to the airport and all of the self-check kiosks are "out of order" so you get to wait in a line a mile long.
Once you get your boarding pass you're off to wait in the massive security line-
Just in time for a code Bravo. Which is such a joke. I mean really? Leave Bravo for "The Housewives!"
Just out of security in time to get to your gate (forget about the Starbucks you were hoping to enjoy!)
Then they change your gate!
You reach the new gate to find out your flight is delayed!!!
Which means your already long travel day, just turned into day(s).
It's inevitable that you're going to miss your connecting flight.
Then of course you get to your assigned seat, only to find that the person you're sitting next to is begging youth trade seats so they can sit with their girlfriend.
Sorry, I can't sit in a middle seat for 5 hours!
Now I'm the asshole?
Uhg! I hate travel days.
But I sure love visiting New York!
Monday, August 1, 2011
Manic on Monday!
Another Monday.
Another month.
Summer is rapidly swimming by!
Working hard to achieve new heights.
I need to enjoying the down time too!
Another month.
Summer is rapidly swimming by!
Working hard to achieve new heights.
I need to enjoying the down time too!
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